Latest Updates & Opportunities from JHRR


The publisher's name has been updated to Link Medical Interface, effective May 7, 2024.

How to be Effective Research Supervisor in AI Era

How to be Effective Research Supervisor in AI Era

Successful International Conference: Integrated Care for Chronic Conditions

Current Issue & Call for Submissions

  • Volume 4, Issue 1, 2024 is now available. We're now accepting submissions for the next quarter! Submit by June 15, 2024.

Frequency Update

  • Transitioning from bi-annual to quarterly publication
  • Bi-Annually (June 2021 - December 2023); Quarterly (January 2024 – till date).

Official Payment Account Update

Please note that, effective from July 1, 2024, the official account for all journal-related fee charges will be:

Account Number: 6020309186500019
IBAN: PK13BPUN6020309186500019
Bank: The Bank of Punjab
Branch: Saddar Bazar Branch, Lahore
Branch Code: 0025

All payments should be directed to this account only.

Coming Workshops

  • Lymphatic Taping
  • Advance Research Write Up and Data Analysis Course

Engage with Us

  • Your opinion matters! Join our surveys and discussions to shape the future of JHRR. Participate here.

Stay connected for more updates and opportunities to contribute to the world of health and rehabilitation research.