Effect of Punching Bag Exercises on Body Mass Index (BMI)
Punching Bag Exercises, Body Mass Index, Obesity, Weight Management, Physical Activity, Exercise RegimenAbstract
Background: The increasing global prevalence of obesity and overweight conditions necessitates effective physical activity interventions for weight management. Punching bag exercises, utilized in martial arts and boxing, offer a combination of aerobic and strength training, which could be beneficial for Body Mass Index (BMI) reduction. This study aims to investigate the impact of a structured punching bag exercise regimen on BMI among young adults.
Objective: The primary objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a six-week punching bag exercise program in reducing the BMI of university students.
Methods: The study was designed as a six-week experimental intervention, involving 30 undergraduate students (37% male, 63% female) with an average age of 24.42 ± 0.631 years, randomly selected from various institutions. Participants engaged in a punching bag exercise regimen on alternating days. Each session comprised four rounds of three-minute exercises with one-minute breaks between each round, totaling 15 minutes per session. BMI was measured weekly throughout the program. Data were analyzed using SPSS-21 software, with descriptive statistics and paired t-tests applied for statistical evaluation.
Results: The study commenced with an average BMI of 25.67 kg/m^2. Week-by-week analysis revealed a consistent decrease in BMI: 25.63 kg/m^2 in the second week, 25.22 kg/m^2 in the third week, 25.13 kg/m^2 in the fourth week, 24.36 kg/m^2 in the fifth week, and 24.11 kg/m^2 in the sixth week. Statistically significant reductions in BMI were observed in the fifth (p = 0.038) and sixth weeks (p = 0.011), compared to the baseline.
Conclusion: The six-week punching bag exercise regimen resulted in a significant reduction in BMI, particularly notable in the final weeks of the intervention. These findings suggest the potential efficacy of punching bag exercises in BMI management and weight reduction strategies among young adults.
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