Assessing Feeding Practices and Bottle-Feeding Trends: A Holistic Analysis of Infant and Child Nutrition in Pediatric Department of CMCH Larkana


  • Shankar Lal SMBBM University Larkana Pakistan.
  • Zulifqar Ali Mangi Paediatric Unit II Larkana Pakistan.
  • Abdul Rehman Shaikh SMBBM University Larkana Pakistan.
  • Rumana Sangi National institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Karachi Pakistan.
  • Sagar Kumar CMC Larakan Pakistan.
  • Sobia Larik CMC Children Hospital Larkana Pakistan.



Infant Feeding Practices, Bottle Feeding, Breastfeeding, Maternal Health, Pediatric Nutrition, Healthcare Accessibility, Pakistan


Background: Breastfeeding is recognized as the optimal method for infant nutrition, yet bottle feeding remains prevalent due to various socio-economic and cultural factors. In Pakistan, understanding the dynamics between maternal demographics, infant feeding practices, and healthcare accessibility is essential for improving child health outcomes.

Objective: This study aims to evaluate infant feeding practices, particularly the prevalence of bottle feeding, among mothers in a pediatric department in Pakistan, identifying the socio-demographic factors influencing these practices.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from March 2023 to March 2024 at the Department of Pediatrics, SMBB Medical University, Children's Hospital, Larkana. We utilized non-probability purposive sampling to enroll 650 mothers. Data were collected through structured proformas focusing on demographics, feeding practices, and healthcare utilization. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 25 to assess correlations between feeding methods and maternal characteristics.

Results: Among the mothers surveyed, 86% reported using bottle feeding. The age distribution of infants showed 43% (0–5 months), 28% (6–11 months), and 29% (12–23 months). Educational status of mothers varied, with 38% having no formal education. Antenatal care was received by 44% of participants, while postnatal care was slightly higher at 45%. Breastfeeding counseling was received by only 41% of mothers, with 31% informed about the disadvantages of bottle feeding.

Conclusion: The high rate of bottle feeding and the substantial gaps in antenatal and postnatal care highlight the need for targeted healthcare interventions to promote breastfeeding and enhance maternal and child health services. Improved counseling on feeding practices and better healthcare access are critical for addressing the health needs of this population.


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Author Biographies

Shankar Lal, SMBBM University Larkana Pakistan.

MBBS, DCH, FCPS Paediatric Medicine, Associate Professor of Paediatric Medicine, HOD Paediatric Medicine UNIT II, CMC Hospital, SMBBM University Larkana, Pakistan.

Zulifqar Ali Mangi, Paediatric Unit II Larkana Pakistan.

MBBS, FCPS, Senior Medical, Officer Paediatric Unit II, Larkana, Pakistan.

Abdul Rehman Shaikh, SMBBM University Larkana Pakistan.

MBBS, FCPS, Medical Officer, Paediatric Department CMC Hospital, SMBBM University Larkana, Pakistan.

Rumana Sangi, National institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Karachi Pakistan.

MBBS, FCPS Paediatrics, FCPS Paediatric Cardiology, Senior Registrar Paediatric Cardiology, National institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Karachi, Pakistan.

Sagar Kumar, CMC Larakan Pakistan.

Medical Officer, CMC Larakan, Pakistan.

Sobia Larik, CMC Children Hospital Larkana Pakistan.

MBBS, FCPS (Pediatric), Post Fellow, Department of Pediatric Medicine, CMC Children Hospital Larkana, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Lal, S., Mangi, Z. A., Shaikh, A. R., Sangi, R., Kumar, S., & Larik, S. (2024). Assessing Feeding Practices and Bottle-Feeding Trends: A Holistic Analysis of Infant and Child Nutrition in Pediatric Department of CMCH Larkana. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(2), 370–375.