Challenges Faced by Parents of Pediatric Burn Survivors: A Thematic Analysis
Burn injuries, Care, Challenges, Parents' Experiences, Pediatric Burn SurvivorsAbstract
Background: Burn injuries compromise the integrity of skin, its appendages, and underlying tissues due to exposure to various agents including dry and moist heat, corrosive substances, and high voltage electric currents. Particularly in the pediatric population, these injuries not only affect the children but also significantly impact the lives and health of their parents.
Objective: This study aimed to explore the multifaceted challenges faced by parents of pediatric burn survivors at the Burn and Plastic Surgery Center in Hayatabad KPK Peshawar.
Methods: Employing a qualitative case study design, this research involved 10 participants selected via purposive sampling. Data collection was conducted through face-to-face in-depth interviews using a semi-structured interview guide. All interviews were audio-recorded, with non-verbal cues and expressions meticulously documented. Thematic analysis was utilized to derive codes, categories, and subsequently, themes from the data.
Results: Analysis revealed five major themes reflecting the challenges encountered by parents: socio-economic difficulties, psychological distress, physiological and physical health issues, spiritual anxiety with altered religious activities, and domestic violence and abuse. Specifically, 70% of participants experienced significant disruptions in their daily lives and interactions, while 100% reported financial hardships directly affecting their ability to manage the health care needs of their children.
Conclusion: The study underscores the extensive challenges that parents of pediatric burn survivors face, highlighting the necessity for healthcare professionals to adopt a holistic approach in treating burnt children while concurrently addressing parental difficulties. Effective identification and management of these challenges are crucial to improving health outcomes for both the children and their parents.
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