Assessment of Occupational Based Stress and Internal Coherence Related with Quality of Life Through Heartrate Variability (HRV) - A Cross Sectional Study

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Syeda Gulrukh Shah
Asif Ahmed
Aqeel Ahmed
Kashif Ikram
Arsalan Mirza
Sofia Ahmed
Shaikh Nadeem Ahmed


Background: This study aimed to evaluate occupation-based stress levels and internal coherence in individuals visiting dental clinics of a tertiary care hospital using heart rate variability (HRV) measures. Occupational stress can significantly influence various aspects of quality of life, including emotional health and cardiovascular risks.

Objective: The primary objective was to assess the relationship between occupational stress, internal coherence, and quality of life through HRV metrics in a diverse population.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted over six months, enrolling 323 voluntary participants aged 18 years and older, irrespective of gender, ethnic background, or occupation. Participants were informed about the study and provided consent one day prior to their participation. HRV recordings were taken for six minutes in a quiet, temperature-controlled room after a 30-minute relaxation period. HRV sensors were applied to either the index finger or earlobe based on the participant's choice. Data were analyzed using emWave Pro Plus and Kubios HRV software. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 25, with numerical variables reported as medians and interquartile ranges and categorical variables as frequencies and percentages.

Results: The study comprised 161 males (49.8%) and 162 females (50.2%), with an age range of 18-65 years. Sympathetic activity increased with age, while younger participants exhibited higher parasympathetic activity. The median SDNN was 78.70 ms (IQR 43.8, 148.0) for males and 60.0 ms (IQR 35.1, 132.2) for females. The coherence levels were low across all age groups, and the stress index scores increased with age. Specifically, the stress index was higher in older age groups, with males aged 54-65 years showing a median stress index score of 45.8% in the high-stress category, compared to 17.9% in males aged 18-29 years.

Conclusion: The findings highlight the significant impact of occupational stress on HRV and overall well-being. Sympathetic activity increased with age, and stress levels were higher in older participants. These results underscore the importance of work-life balance and stress management strategies to mitigate cardiovascular risks and improve quality of life.

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How to Cite
Shah, S. G., Ahmed, A., Ahmed, A., Ikram, K., Mirza, A., Ahmed, S., & Ahmed, S. N. (2024). Assessment of Occupational Based Stress and Internal Coherence Related with Quality of Life Through Heartrate Variability (HRV) - A Cross Sectional Study. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(2), 1591–1596.
Author Biographies

Syeda Gulrukh Shah, Baqai Medical University Karachi Pakistan.

Baqai Medical University Karachi Pakistan.

Asif Ahmed, Baqai Medical University Karachi Pakistan.

Baqai Medical University Karachi Pakistan.

Aqeel Ahmed, Aga Khan University Karachi Pakistan.

Aga Khan University Karachi Pakistan.

Kashif Ikram, Baqai Medical University Karachi Pakistan.

Baqai Medical University Karachi Pakistan.

Arsalan Mirza, Baqai Medical University Karachi Pakistan.

Baqai Medical University Karachi Pakistan.

Sofia Ahmed, Baqai Medical University Karachi Pakistan.

Baqai Medical University Karachi Pakistan.

Shaikh Nadeem Ahmed, Baqai Medical University Karachi Pakistan.

Baqai Medical University Karachi Pakistan.


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