
  • Qurat Ul Ain Riphah International University, Lahore Campus
  • Maria Mustafa University of Management and Technology, Lahore
  • Maham Zaidi Indus Hospital Bedian, Lahore
  • Sarah Ehsan Riphah International University, Lahore



Scapular Dyskinesia, Scapular Pain, Physical Therapy, Neck Disability Index, DASH


Office workers are at maximum risk of developing poor posture, musculoskeletal disorders, functional structure impairments. One such suspected impairment is scapular dyskinesia and pain. Despite the chances of other musculoskeletal disorders in office workers, the current study focused biomechanical disadvantages scapular region due to desk work.
The objective of the study was to determine frequency of work related scapular dyskinesis and pain in office workers.
This was a cross sectional survey which was conducted among 110 office workers, both male and female age range of 25 to 50 years. The data was collected through convenience sampling technique by self-administered questionnaire which was extract acted from previous studies conducted on similar objectives. The data was analyzed in Statistical Package for Social Sciences 20.0 in which qualitative variables were measured for frequency and percentages and quantitative for mean and standard deviation. The outcomes of interest were also shown in graphical presentation.
The results regarding lateral scapular slide test at 90 degrees showed that there were 29.1% of office workers with positive test while 70.9% had normal measurements. The results regarding neck disability index classification showed that there were 36.4% office workers with mild disability, 44.5% with moderate disability while 19.1% were presenting severe disability.
The frequency of scapular dyskinesia was common among office workers involving around 30% of total population. Furthermore, functional impairment was reported more than pain.


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How to Cite

Ain, Q. U., Mustafa , M., Zaidi, M., & Ehsan, S. (2021). FREQUENCY OF SCAPULAR DYSKINESIS AND PAIN AMONG OFFICE WORKERS; A CROSS SECTIONAL SURVEY. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 1(2), 20–24.

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