Health Related Quality of Life after Total Knee Replacement in Osteoarthritis Patients

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Muhammad Maaz Bin Tabassum
Umer Amin
Abdulrehman Khalid Makki
Bakhtawar Siddiqui
Kanza Azmat
Fatima Razzaq


Background: Total knee replacement is a widely recognized and successful surgical intervention for patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis, aiming to alleviate pain and improve function and quality of life. This procedure has been increasingly recommended due to its high success rate in enhancing patient satisfaction and functional capacity.

Objective: The primary goal of this study was to assess the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients after undergoing total knee replacement for osteoarthritis.

Method: This cross-sectional study involved 80 patients (47 females and 33 males) who had undergone knee arthroplasty. Data collection was facilitated using the SF-12 and WOMAC questionnaires at Horizon and General Hospital. Subsequent data analysis was performed using SPSS.

Results: The study's results highlighted a mean total score of 35.7 (SD = 6.32335), with scores ranging from a minimum of 23.00 to a maximum of 54.00. These scores represent a moderate variance in patient outcomes. The self-reported general health status revealed that 39.0% of patients rated their health as 'Good', followed by 26.8% as 'Very Good', and 18.3% as 'Fair'. In terms of physical activity limitations, 18.3% of patients reported being 'Limited a Lot' in moderate physical activities, while 40.2% reported limitations in work or other activities.

Conclusion: The study concluded that total knee replacement significantly improves health-related quality of life in patients with osteoarthritis, as indicated by the wide range of scores. Most patients reported positive outcomes, with a majority indicating good or very good general health status post-surgery.

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How to Cite
Tabassum, M. M. B., Amin, U., Makki, A. K., Siddiqui, B., Azmat, K., & Razzaq, F. (2023). Health Related Quality of Life after Total Knee Replacement in Osteoarthritis Patients. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 340–345.


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