The Limitless Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Paediatric Dentistry AI in Paediatric Dentistry

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Maham Shah
Syed Maheen Ali
Rida Batool
Farwa Shafiq
Gul Muhammad Shaikh
Romesa Khero


Background: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in paedi-atric dentistry has grown signifi-cantly, offering new possibilities for diagnostics, treatment plan-ning, and patient care. AI’s capaci-ty to handle large datasets and generate accurate predictions is transforming dental practice.
Objective: This narrative review explores the potential applica-tions of AI in paediatric dentistry, focusing on its benefits, challeng-es, and future implications.
Methods: A comprehensive litera-ture review was conducted using databases such as PubMed, Sco-pus, and Web of Science. Relevant studies published between 2000 and 2023 were selected based on predefined inclusion criteria. The quality of the studies was ap-praised using the Joanna Briggs Institute tools.
Results: AI applications, including image analysis, diagnosis, treat-ment planning, and patient man-agement, show significant prom-ise in paediatric dentistry. AI-powered tools can improve diag-nostic accuracy, reduce treat-ment inconsistencies, and en-hance patient outcomes. Howev-er, challenges related to costs, complexity, and ethical concerns remain.
Conclusion: AI will not replace paediatric dentists but will serve as a valuable tool to support clini-cal decision-making. Future re-search should focus on overcom-ing current limitations and ensur-ing safe integration into clinical practice.

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How to Cite
Shah, M., Syed Maheen Ali, Rida Batool, Farwa Shafiq, Gul Muhammad Shaikh, & Romesa Khero. (2024). The Limitless Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Paediatric Dentistry: AI in Paediatric Dentistry. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(3).


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