Sensory Appeal and Anxiety Reduction: A Study on Ashwagandha, Sweet Basil, and Cinnamon Tea Blends


  • Areeba Shahid University of Agriculture Faisalabad
  • Hira iftikhar University of Agriculture Faisalabad
  • Zarish Israr University of Agriculture Faisalabad
  • Misbah Zikria University of Agriculture Faisalabad
  • Arshia Mubeen Rana Biochemistry Department-Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore
  • Hafiz Bilal Murtaza University of Agriculture Faisalabad



Anxiety Management, Herbal Tea Blends, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum), Sensory Evaluation, Phytochemical Analysis


Background: Anxiety disorders are prevalent among young adults, especially women of childbearing age, necessitating the exploration of alternative therapeutic interventions. The present study investigates a specialized tea blend combining Ashwagandha, Sweet Basil, and cinnamon for potential anxiety alleviation in this demographic.

Objective: The primary objectives encompassed (1) formulating a tea blend combining Ashwagandha and Sweet Basil with cinnamon, (2) evaluating its nutritional and sensory attributes, and (3) assessing its potential to reduce anxiety using the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI).

Methods: Ingredients were procured from Faisalabad's native market and crushed to formulate two tea variants. The study was conducted over 21 days with 30 participants, divided into three groups: G0 (Control), G1 (Ashwagandha and Cinnamon), and G2 (Sweet Basil and Cinnamon). Anxiety levels were assessed using BAI at the start and end of the intervention.

Results: Nutritional analysis indicated variations in moisture, ash, crude fat, crude protein, and NFE content among formulations. Sensory evaluations pointed to G1 having superior aroma, texture, flavor, and overall acceptability, while G2 excelled in appearance. BAI assessments, though indicative of potential anxiety-reducing effects, were not conclusively significant due to sample size constraints.

Conclusion: The tea formulations exhibited promising relationships between sensory appeal, nutritional value, and potential anxiety-reducing effects. However, further studies with larger sample sizes and longer intervention periods are warranted for more definitive insights. The study contributes to the exploration of natural interventions for anxiety management, emphasizing the nexus between sensory experiences, nutrition, and emotional well-being.


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Author Biography

Arshia Mubeen Rana, Biochemistry Department-Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Shahid, A., iftikhar, H., Israr, Z., Zikria, M., Rana, A. M., & Murtaza, H. B. (2023). Sensory Appeal and Anxiety Reduction: A Study on Ashwagandha, Sweet Basil, and Cinnamon Tea Blends. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 495–499.