To Compare the Short-Term Outcome of Open Repair versus Laparoscopic Repair in Abdominal Incisional Hernia Repair


  • Jawad Muhammad Khyber Teaching Hospital- Peshawar
  • Maaz Bin Altaf DHQ Teaching Hospital- Charsadda
  • Sanan Khan Khyber Teaching Hospital- Peshawar
  • Samina Bibi Khyber Teaching Hospital- Peshawar
  • Eeman Asghar Niazi Naseer Teaching Hospital- Peshawar



Hernia, Incisional, Laparoscopy, Open Repair, Patient Satisfaction


Background: Incisional hernia is a common complication post abdominal surgery. Its effective management is crucial for patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency. This study aims to evaluate and compare the short-term outcomes of open and laparoscopic incisional hernia repair techniques.

Objective: The study's objectives are twofold: 1) To ascertain the short-term outcomes, specifically focusing on the length of hospital stay, operative time, wound infections, and recurrence rate in patients undergoing open and laparoscopic incisional hernia repair, and 2) To compare these outcomes between open and laparoscopic repair methods.

Methods: A randomized design was employed, with patients assigned to either Group A (open repair) or Group B (laparoscopic repair) using computer software. The duration of surgery, from the first incision to skin closure, was timed with a digital stopwatch. Patients were followed up for one month with specific attention to any redness, persistent pain, or fever. The key outcome parameters assessed were operative time, hospital stay duration, incidence of wound infection, and hernia recurrence.

Results: Group A exhibited a 9.9% wound infection rate and 51.1% recurrence rate, with 39.0% of patients achieving satisfactory outcomes. In contrast, Group B demonstrated a 13.5% wound infection rate, a notably lower recurrence rate of 11.3%, and 75.2% of patients reported satisfactory outcomes.

Conclusion: Laparoscopic repair shows superior outcomes compared to open repair regarding wound infection, recurrence rate, patient satisfaction, operative time, and length of hospital stay.


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Author Biographies

Jawad Muhammad, Khyber Teaching Hospital- Peshawar

Trainee Registrar

Maaz Bin Altaf, DHQ Teaching Hospital- Charsadda

Medical Officer

Sanan Khan, Khyber Teaching Hospital- Peshawar

Resident Surgeon

Samina Bibi, Khyber Teaching Hospital- Peshawar

Resident Surgeon

Eeman Asghar Niazi, Naseer Teaching Hospital- Peshawar

Medical Officer


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How to Cite

Muhammad, J., Altaf, M. B., Khan, S., Bibi, S., & Niazi, E. A. (2023). To Compare the Short-Term Outcome of Open Repair versus Laparoscopic Repair in Abdominal Incisional Hernia Repair. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 692–697.