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Ali Hamza Arshad
Kashmala sattar


BACKGROUND: Physiotherapy is a profession with high rate of leaving or changing field. Many physiotherapists leave or modify profession at an early career stage. Furthermore, it is hypothesized in this study, that physical activity and health related quality of life is associated.
OBJECTIVE: The study was to find out association between physical activity and quality of life among clinical physiotherapists.
METHODS: This was cross sectional survey in which 100 clinical physiotherapists were included through convenience sampling. Data was collected through questionnaire comprised of EQSD questionnaire and self-reported physical activity measure. The five domains of EQ5D were analyzed and presented as histograms. The physical activity scale was also analyzed as frequency, percentage, interquartile range, multi bar charts and box plots to show dispersion range.
RESULTS: Results showed that 47 (39.2%) were males and 73 (60.8%) were female. Majority 84 (70%) were aged 20-29 years. Health related quality of life scores showed that only the pain/ discomfort and anxiety/depression domains were had marked percentage of moderate to severe problems, while the in rest of domains mobility, self-care and usual activity found with ‘no problem’. All of physiotherapists were above borderline value of physical activity required to label as normal.
CONCLUSION: The specific physical activity-based intervention can be better option as compared to general physical activity conditioning which already above recommended criteria of being active. There can be reasons other than that of leaving or modifying physiotherapy field.

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How to Cite
Ali Hamza Arshad, & Kashmala sattar. (2021). HEALTH RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE AMONG PHYSIOTHERAPISTS; A CROSS SECTIONAL SURVEY. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 1(1), 1–4. Retrieved from


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