Estimation of Cholinesterase and Cholesterol in different species of cestodes of domestic pigeon (Columba livia)

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Shazia Nisar
Isma Yasir
Sadaf Tabassum
Rakhshinda Khurram Khan


Background: Investigating the metabolic interactions between parasites and their hosts is essential for advancing our understanding of parasitology, with significant implications for both animal and human health. This study focuses on cestode parasites in domestic pigeons as a model for such interactions.

Objective: The objective was to analyze the cholinesterase and cholesterol levels in various cestode species found in domestic pigeons, shedding light on their metabolic functions and implications for broader health concerns.

Methods: The study involved collecting specimens of Raillietina galeritae, Cotugnia Streptopell, and Raillietina flaccida from infected domestic pigeons. These specimens were processed through grinding, homogenization, and centrifugation. Cholesterol levels were measured using an enzymatic colorimetric method, and cholinesterase levels were determined through a spectrophotometric assay, involving specific reagents and incubation protocols to ensure accurate biochemical analysis.

Results: The cholinesterase levels exhibited minor variations among the species, with Raillietina flaccida recording the highest mean value at 0.817 µ moles/ml, followed by Raillietina galeritae at 0.795 µ moles/ml, and Cotugnia Streptopell at 0.783 µ moles/ml. The cholesterol measurements revealed more pronounced differences, with Cotugnia Streptopell showing the highest level at 432.220 mg/dl, Raillietina galeritae at 231.746 mg/dl, and Raillietina flaccida the lowest at 133.333 mg/dl.

Conclusion: This research highlights the metabolic diversity within cestode parasites and emphasizes the need to understand the unique characteristics of individual species. The variations in cholinesterase and cholesterol levels suggest complex metabolic adaptations. These findings offer valuable insights for developing targeted treatments for parasitic infections and underscore the importance of species-specific approaches in both veterinary and human parasitology.

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How to Cite
Nisar, S., Yasir, I., Tabassum, S., & Khan, R. K. (2023). Estimation of Cholinesterase and Cholesterol in different species of cestodes of domestic pigeon (Columba livia). Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 752–756.


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