Comparative Effects of Nerve Flossing and Cox Technique in Sciatica


  • Shahid Ahmed (Heera) The University of Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Adeel Tahir The University of Faisalabad
  • Abesha Shahid The University of Faisalabad



Sciatica, Nerve Flossing Technique, Cox Technique, Pain, Functional Disability, Physiotherapy


Background: Sciatica is a prevalent condition characterized by pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, affecting a significant portion of the adult population at some point in their lives. Traditional treatment modalities have varied in effectiveness, prompting the exploration of alternative therapies such as Nerve Flossing Technique (NFT) and Cox Technique (CT). This study aims to compare the efficacy of these two non-invasive treatments in alleviating the symptoms of sciatica.

Objective: The primary objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the effects of Nerve Flossing Technique and Cox Technique on reducing pain and improving functional disability in patients with sciatica.

Methods: This randomized controlled trial was conducted at the outpatient department of physiotherapy in Allied Hospital and District Head Quarter Hospital, Faisalabad. Forty-two patients with sciatica were randomly assigned to either Group A (NFT group) or Group B (CT group) and received the interventions for six weeks, with four sessions per week. Each session included a conventional treatment of hot pack application, TENS, and stretching exercises for 15 minutes, followed by the respective group's technique. Pain intensity was measured using the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS), and functional disability was assessed with the Modified Oswestry Disability Index (MODI) before and after the intervention period.

Results: Both groups showed significant improvements in pain and functional disability post-treatment. Group A (NFT) exhibited a reduction in NPRS scores from a median of 7 to 2 and an improvement in MODI scores from 52.167±5.13 to 22.77±4.30, indicating a mean difference of 29.38±4.57 (p<0.05). Group B (CT) showed a reduction in NPRS scores from a median of 7 to 5 and an improvement in MODI scores from 53.61±5.30 to 41.05±10.26, with a mean difference of 12.55±7.67 (p<0.05). The between-group comparison revealed a more significant improvement in Group A in terms of both NPRS and MODI scores (p<0.05).

Conclusion: The study concluded that both Nerve Flossing Technique and Cox Technique are effective in reducing pain and improving functional disability in patients with sciatica. However, the Nerve Flossing Technique demonstrated a significantly greater improvement compared to the Cox Technique, making it a more favorable non-invasive treatment option for sciatica.


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Author Biographies

Shahid Ahmed (Heera), The University of Faisalabad

Head of Department, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

Muhammad Adeel Tahir, The University of Faisalabad

MS-PT (Neuromusculoskeletal), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

Abesha Shahid, The University of Faisalabad

Student, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences


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How to Cite

Ahmed (Heera), S., Tahir, M. A., & Shahid, A. (2023). Comparative Effects of Nerve Flossing and Cox Technique in Sciatica. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 1269–1274.