Prevalence of Insomnia among Undergraduate Nursing Students in Peshawar


  • Ali Rahman Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.
  • Fath Ur Rahman Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.
  • Ikram Ullah Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.
  • Summaya Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.
  • Abdul Basit Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Talha Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.
  • Zia Ullah Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.
  • Alveena Shehzadi Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.
  • Nasira Begum Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.
  • Kashish Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.



Insomnia, Nursing Students, Prevalence, Sleep Disorders, Athens Insomnia Scale, Undergraduate


Background: Insomnia is a prevalent sleep disorder that significantly impacts the quality of life and academic performance of individuals, particularly among university students. Understanding the prevalence and characteristics of insomnia in this demographic, especially in nursing students who face unique academic and clinical stressors, is crucial for developing effective interventions.

Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence of insomnia among undergraduate nursing students in Peshawar and to analyze its association with demographic factors like gender, age, marital status, academic year, and socio-economic status.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted over six months from July to December 2023 at Private Nursing Institutes in Peshawar. The study included 377 participants aged between 18 to 25 years. Participants with medical conditions affecting sleep, those on sedatives or hypnotics, and those currently engaged in clinical rotations or internships were excluded. Data on demographics, socioeconomic status, and insomnia were collected using the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS). SPSS version 26.0 was used for data analysis.

Results: Out of 377 participants, 70.3% were male and 29.7% were female, with a mean age of 21.5±3.5 years. In terms of marital status, 9.8% were married and 90.2% were unmarried. The prevalence of insomnia among the participants was found to be 52.8%, with higher occurrence in males (35.5%) than females (17.3%). The frequency of insomnia varied across academic years, with the highest prevalence in the third year (25.5%).

Conclusion: The study highlights a significant prevalence of insomnia among nursing students in Peshawar, with various demographic factors influencing its occurrence. These findings underscore the need for targeted sleep health interventions in nursing education to improve the overall well-being and academic performance of nursing students.



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Author Biographies

Ali Rahman, Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.

Department of Nursing.

Fath Ur Rahman, Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.

Ex-Assistant Professor. Ph.D ZZU, China.

Ikram Ullah, Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.

Senior Lecturer.

Summaya, Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.

Department of Nursing.

Abdul Basit, Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.

Department of Nursing.

Muhammad Talha, Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.

Department of Nursing.

Zia Ullah, Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.

Department of Nursing.

Alveena Shehzadi, Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.

Department of Nursing.

Nasira Begum, Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.

Department of Nursing.

Kashish, Rufaidah Nursing College Peshawar Prime Foundation Pakistan.

Department of Nursing.


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How to Cite

Rahman, A., Rahman, F. U., Ullah, I., Summaya, Basit, A., Talha, M., Ullah, Z., Shehzadi, A., Begum, N., & Kashish. (2024). Prevalence of Insomnia among Undergraduate Nursing Students in Peshawar. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(1), 302–306.

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