Demographic Characteristics, Stress and Emotion Regulation in the Caregivers of Elderly Hemodialysis Patients
Caregiver Stress, Emotion Regulation, Elderly Hemodialysis Patients, Caregiving Duration, Healthcare Support, Pearson CorrelationAbstract
Background: Caregiving for elderly hemodialysis patients is a complex, multifaceted experience that demands considerable emotional and physical resources. The role of caregivers, predominantly female, involves managing the stress and emotional turmoil associated with the patient's chronic illness, which significantly impacts their well-being. Understanding the dynamics of caregiving is essential for developing supportive interventions that enhance caregiver and patient outcomes.
Objective: This study aimed to explore the relationship between demographic characteristics, stress, and emotion regulation in caregivers of elderly hemodialysis patients. It sought to identify key factors that contribute to caregiver stress and to evaluate how prolonged caregiving affects caregivers' ability to regulate emotions.
Methods: Employing a correlational research design, the study analyzed data from 60 caregivers of elderly hemodialysis patients. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to examine the relationships among variables, while demographic characteristics were assessed through descriptive statistics. The Kingston Caregiver Stress Scale (KCSS) and the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) were administered to evaluate stress levels and emotion regulation capabilities, respectively.
Results: The majority of caregivers were women (62%), with a significant proportion married (68%) and primarily in the age range of 35-50 years. A strong negative correlation was found between the duration of caregiving and KCSS total scores (r = -0.872, p < .001), indicating higher stress levels associated with longer caregiving durations. Conversely, a positive correlation was observed between the duration of caregiving and ERQ total scores (r = 0.380, p = .003), suggesting improved emotion regulation over time. The study also noted no significant relationship between family system types and stress levels.
Conclusion: The study highlights the significant impact of caregiving on stress and emotion regulation among caregivers of elderly hemodialysis patients. It underscores the need for comprehensive support systems that address both the informational and emotional needs of caregivers, thereby enhancing their coping mechanisms and overall well-being.
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