Perception of Online Learning on Academic Performance of UMT Students, Lahore

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Tamknat Ilyas
Muqadas Chaudary
Maida Mushtaq
Fizza Masood
Muhammad Jabbar


Background: With online learning becoming an established facet of modern education, understanding its reception among specific student populations is crucial. This study offers a critical perspective on E-learning's impact by focusing on the academic performance of undergraduates at the University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore.

Objective: The objective was to explore the differential effects of online learning on two distinct student groups within UMT, those in the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) and Doctor of Nutritional Sciences (DNS) programs, thereby assessing the broader implications for academic performance.

Methodology: A purposive sampling strategy was employed to conduct a cross-sectional survey with 200 UMT students, equally split between the DPT and DNS programs. The survey consisted of 26 closed-ended questions designed to capture students' attitudes toward online learning.

Results: The survey elucidated a spectrum of responses: 12% of students strongly endorsed online learning, 30% were satisfied, and 31% remained ambivalent. In terms of learning quality, 32% perceived an improvement, with 14.5% strongly concurring. Neutral responses were evident in 31.5% of participants, while 18.5% disagreed and 8% strongly rejected the premise that online learning enhanced educational quality. Notably, 12% strongly affirmed satisfaction with E-learning.

Conclusion: The prevailing sentiment toward online learning among UMT students is one of cautious optimism, characterized by a majority indicating approval or neutrality. However, the notable minority exhibiting disapproval suggests a need for a reassessment of online pedagogical methods. The study underscores the importance of developing adaptive teaching strategies that are responsive to the diverse needs and preferences of the student body, aiming to elevate academic performance across all sectors of the university.

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How to Cite
Ilyas , T., Chaudary, M., Mushtaq, M., Masood, F., & Muhammad Jabbar. (2023). Perception of Online Learning on Academic Performance of UMT Students, Lahore. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 132–136.
Author Biographies

Tamknat Ilyas , Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine-SHS-University of Management and Technology-Lahore-Pakistan

Assistant Professor

Muqadas Chaudary, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine-SHS-University of Management and Technology-Lahore-Pakistan


Maida Mushtaq, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine-SHS-University of Management and Technology-Lahore-Pakistan


Fizza Masood, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine-SHS-University of Management and Technology-Lahore-Pakistan


Muhammad Jabbar, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine-SHS-University of Management and Technology-Lahore-Pakistan



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