Pregnant Women's Perceptions Regarding Nursing Care at the Time of Childbirth: A Qualitative Study in South Punjab Pakistan
Nursing Care, Childbirth, Patient Expectations, Nulliparous Women, Maternal Satisfaction, Healthcare QualityAbstract
Background: Patient satisfaction with nursing care during childbirth is a well-established indicator of healthcare quality. Previous research indicates that interpersonal nursing skills can significantly influence maternal satisfaction and delivery outcomes.
Objective: This study aimed to identify the expectations of nulliparous women regarding nursing care during childbirth at a tertiary care hospital in Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan.
Methods: A non-official, qualitative study was conducted over two months, involving 57 nulliparous women attending childbirth classes. A survey was distributed to capture women's expectations of the nursing role in labor and delivery. Responses were categorized using thematic analysis into direct supportive care, indirect care, and direct clinical care activities.
Results: Most responses emphasized the need for direct supportive care, with 53% highlighting the importance of physical comfort, emotional support, and informational guidance. Only 5% of the responses pertained to indirect clinical care, suggesting a strong preference for the nurse's continuous presence. Contrasting with these expectations, existing literature suggests that nurses spend a limited amount of their time providing such support.
Conclusion: There exists a discrepancy between the expected and actual nursing care received during childbirth, underscoring the need for improved communication and education about realistic labor support. Addressing this gap could lead to increased satisfaction and better health outcomes.
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