Effectiveness of Hypnobirthing in Reducing Anxiety Level among Pregnant Women During Childbirth: A Quasi-Experimental Study in Tertiary Care Hospital of Islamabad
Hypnobirthing, Pregnancy Anxiety, Quasi-Experimental, Prenatal Care, Maternal Health, Relaxation Techniques, Mental Health in PregnancyAbstract
Background: Anxiety during pregnancy is a prevalent concern with significant implications for both maternal and fetal health. Traditional approaches to managing this anxiety vary in effectiveness, highlighting the need for alternative strategies. Hypnobirthing, a technique focusing on mind-body relaxation, has emerged as a promising intervention to reduce pregnancy-related anxiety.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of hypnobirthing in reducing anxiety levels among pregnant women.
Methods: A quasi-experimental design was employed, involving 30 primigravida women with gestational ages between 32 and 38 weeks, recruited from a tertiary care hospital in Islamabad. Participants were divided equally into experimental and control groups. The experimental group received four weeks of hypnobirthing sessions, while the control group received standard prenatal care. Anxiety levels were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) before and after the intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 25.0, with paired samples t-tests comparing pre- and post-intervention anxiety levels.
Results: The average age of participants was 22.17 years. Initially, 87% of participants reported high levels of anxiety. Post-intervention, the experimental group showed a significant reduction in anxiety levels, with 67% of participants reporting normal anxiety levels (p<0.000), while the control group showed no significant change in anxiety levels (p=0.314). The mean difference in anxiety levels between the pre- and post-intervention phases in the experimental group was significant at 6.867 (SD=4.470, p<0.000).
Conclusion: Hypnobirthing significantly reduced anxiety levels among pregnant women, suggesting its efficacy as a therapeutic intervention for managing pregnancy-related anxiety. This technique offers a valuable addition to prenatal care, potentially improving maternal and fetal outcomes by alleviating anxiety during pregnancy.
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