Perceived Parenting Styles in Relation with Coping Strategies among the Children of Single Parents in Pakistan
Parenting Styles, Coping Strategies, Single Parents, Adolescents, Psychological Resilience, Mental Health, Parent-Child DynamicsAbstract
Background: The dynamics within single-parent families, particularly the influence of parenting styles on the coping strategies of children, have garnered significant attention in psychological research. The intricate relationship between a parent's approach to raising their child and the child's subsequent development of coping mechanisms to navigate life's challenges is pivotal to understanding the psychosocial well-being of children in single-parent families.
Objective: This study aimed to elucidate the correlations between different parenting styles—permissive, authoritarian, and authoritative—and the coping strategies adopted by children of single parents. Additionally, it sought to identify which parenting styles significantly predict the coping strategies utilized by these children.
Methods: A correlational and comparative study design was employed, involving 153 adolescents aged 13 to 19 from single-parent families in Faisalabad and Sargodha, Pakistan. The Coping Response Inventory (CRI) and Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) were utilized to measure coping strategies and parenting styles, respectively. Data analysis was conducted using Pearson’s moment correlation, regression analysis, and Independent Samples T-Test to examine the relationships between parenting styles and coping strategies and to assess gender differences.
Results: The findings indicated a significant positive correlation between permissive and authoritarian parenting styles (r ranging from .439 to .787, p < .01). Regression analysis revealed that logical analysis, positive reappraisal, and problem-solving were significant predictors of coping strategies (p < .001). Gender-based analysis showed females scored significantly higher in positive reappraisal, seeking guidance/support, acceptance/resignation, and emotional discharge coping strategies compared to males (p < .005). No significant gender differences were found in parenting styles.
Conclusion: The study highlights the significant impact of permissive and authoritarian parenting styles on the development of coping strategies among children of single parents. Tailored interventions supporting single parents in adopting more adaptive parenting styles could foster better coping mechanisms in their children, enhancing their psychosocial well-being.
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