Assessing the Efficacy of Pressure Algometry in Lower Back Pain: A Comparative Study of Muscle Energy Technique and Dry Needling on Active Trigger Points of Quadratus Lumborum
Myofascial Trigger points, Muscle energy technique, Dry needling, Lower back pain treatment, Quadratus lumborum trigger points, Algometry assessmentAbstract
Background: The prevalence of chronic lower back pain has serious repercussions for the working population. Myofascial trigger points in the quadratus lumborum muscle are a substantial but sometimes ignored contributor to this pain. These trigger points form as a result of changing or increased muscle demands, acute or long-term strains on the lower back muscles, and so forth. Hyperirritable foci inside tense regions of hypertonic muscle tissue are what distinguish them. The well accepted manual therapy techniques such as dry needling and muscle energy method are used to deactivate trigger points and restore muscular balance to address this issue.
Objective: To determine the effects of muscle energy technique and dry needling of active trigger points of quadratus lumborum in lower back pain
Methods: There was a randomised controlled study. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, 24 subjects were chosen, divided into groups A and B. Digital algometer was used to measure the sensitivity of the trigger points. Group B underwent dry needling while Group A received the Muscle Energy Technique. Each patient received two sessions every week for three weeks. After the first, third, and sixth therapy sessions, the two groups were evaluated. Data was examined using SPSS version 21.
Results: Findings revealed that differences between two groups were statistically significant (p <0.05) and also statistically significant difference were observed within group analysis (p< 0.05) with respect to pain pressure threshold.
Conclusion: The study concluded that both Dry Needling and Muscle Energy Technique on trigger points were equally effective in increase pain pressure threshold in lower back pain.
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