Association between Plantar Fasciitis and Hamstring Tightness among Runners


  • Hamza Tariq Hajvery University Pakistan.
  • Fatima Mazhar Hajvery University Pakistan.
  • Erum Ghaffar Hajvery University Pakistan.
  • Tooba Arif University of Health Sciences Lahore Pakistan.
  • Uzma Irshad Hajvery University Pakistan.
  • Aneeqa Aqdas Hajvery University Pakistan.



Plantar Fasciitis, Hamstring Tightness, Runners, Biomechanical Factors, Heel Pain, Cross-Sectional Study, SPSS Analysis, Athletic Injuries


Background: Plantar fasciitis is a prevalent condition among athletes, especially runners, characterized by heel pain and potentially influenced by biomechanical factors such as hamstring tightness. However, the specific relationship between hamstring tightness and plantar fasciitis in athletes has not been extensively studied.

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the association between hamstring tightness and plantar fasciitis among runners, to determine whether hamstring tightness contributes to the severity or incidence of plantar fasciitis.

Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study involving 30 athletes diagnosed with plantar fasciitis from sports clubs in Lahore. The study included both male (86.6%) and female (13.4%) runners aged 20 to 45 years. Hamstring tightness was assessed using the Active Knee Extension test. Data were analyzed using Pearson Chi-Square tests in SPSS version 25, with a significance threshold set at p<0.05.

Results: The prevalence of hamstring tightness among the athletes was 30%. Statistical analysis revealed no significant association between hamstring tightness and plantar fasciitis (p=0.068), with a Pearson correlation coefficient (r) of -0.48, suggesting a moderate negative correlation.

Conclusion: The study concluded that while hamstring tightness is common among runners with plantar fasciitis, it does not significantly influence the occurrence or severity of the condition. Further research is recommended to explore other biomechanical factors that may impact plantar fasciitis in athletic populations.


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Author Biographies

Hamza Tariq , Hajvery University Pakistan.

Hajvery University Pakistan.

Fatima Mazhar, Hajvery University Pakistan.

Hajvery University Pakistan.

Erum Ghaffar, Hajvery University Pakistan.

Hajvery University Pakistan.

Tooba Arif , University of Health Sciences Lahore Pakistan.

University of Health Sciences Lahore Pakistan.

Uzma Irshad, Hajvery University Pakistan.

Hajvery University Pakistan.

Aneeqa Aqdas , Hajvery University Pakistan.

Hajvery University Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Tariq , H., Mazhar, F., Ghaffar, E., Arif , T., Irshad, U., & Aqdas , A. (2024). Association between Plantar Fasciitis and Hamstring Tightness among Runners . Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(2), 343–347.

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