Cross Cultural Adaptation of Keele StarT Back Screening Tool. English to Urdu


  • Qudsia Shamim Department of Rehabilitation Medicine-Combined Military Hospital Lahore



Keele StarT Back Screening Tool, Urdu adaptation, back pain assessment, translation, reliability, cross-cultural adaptation


Background: Back pain is a prevalent global health issue, necessitating tools for accurate assessment and management. Such tools require adaptation to different languages and cultures to ensure their validity and effectiveness across diverse populations.

Objective: This study aimed to translate and adapt the Keele StarT Back Screening Tool from English into Urdu, evaluating the reliability and applicability of the translated instrument among Urdu-speaking individuals with back pain.

Methods: A methodological framework was employed to translate and culturally adapt the screening tool, involving forward and backward translation, committee review, and pre-testing. A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the tool's reliability among Urdu-speaking patients with back pain. Participants (N=100) were recruited to evaluate the demographic characteristics and the reliability of the Urdu-translated scale through measures such as internal consistency, test-retest reliability, item-total correlation, and inter-rater reliability.

Results: The adapted Urdu version of the Keele StarT Back Screening Tool demonstrated good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.85) and excellent test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.90). The item-total correlation was moderate (0.45), and the inter-rater reliability was considered good (κ = 0.75). The demographic characteristics of the participants provided a comprehensive profile of the study sample.

Conclusion: The Urdu adaptation of the Keele StarT Back Screening Tool is reliable and suitable for Urdu-speaking patients, providing a valuable resource for clinicians and researchers in back pain management within Urdu-speaking communities.


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Author Biography

Qudsia Shamim, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine-Combined Military Hospital Lahore

Senior Physical Therapist


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How to Cite

Shamim, Q. (2023). Cross Cultural Adaptation of Keele StarT Back Screening Tool. English to Urdu. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 206–212.