Efficacy of Sensorimotor Training in Improving Joint Position Sense and Reducing Joint Degeneration in Patients with Neurogenic Osteoarthritis


  • Khalid Abbas Ranjha Shalamar Hospital Lahore
  • Mahreen Aslam Combined Military Hospital Lahore
  • Ayesha Alam University of Lahore




Osteoarthritis, Sensorimotor Training, Joint Position Sense, Rehabilitation, Clinical Trial, Neurogenic Osteoarthritis, WOMAC, Quality of Life


Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a debilitating joint condition characterized by degenerative changes, often leading to significant pain and functional limitations. Sensorimotor training has been proposed as a therapeutic approach to improve joint position sense and reduce joint degeneration, especially in neurogenic OA.

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of sensorimotor training in patients with neurogenic OA in terms of improving joint position sense and functional outcomes.

Methods: In this randomized, single-blinded clinical trial, 46 participants were allocated to either a sensorimotor training group (experimental) or received standard physiotherapy (control) over 9 months. Outcome measures included WOMAC, pain levels (VAS), muscle strength, range of motion, quality of life (SF-36), and patient satisfaction.

Results: The experimental group showed significant improvements post-intervention with a decrease in WOMAC scores from 66.24 to 28.39 (p=0.015), pain levels from 43.88 to 28.08 (p=0.024), and increases in muscle strength and range of motion. Quality of life and patient satisfaction also improved significantly.

Conclusion: Sensorimotor training may be an effective intervention for improving joint function and reducing symptoms in patients with neurogenic OA. These findings support incorporating targeted sensorimotor exercises into rehabilitation programs for OA.


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Author Biographies

Khalid Abbas Ranjha , Shalamar Hospital Lahore


Mahreen Aslam, Combined Military Hospital Lahore

TDPT,BSPT, Consultant in Physical therapy

Ayesha Alam, University of Lahore

Clinical Coordinator, DPT, MS-msk*


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How to Cite

Ranjha , K. A., Aslam, M., & Alam, A. (2023). Efficacy of Sensorimotor Training in Improving Joint Position Sense and Reducing Joint Degeneration in Patients with Neurogenic Osteoarthritis. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 112–118. https://doi.org/10.61919/jhrr.v3i2.90