A Qualitative Study on Nurses' Experiences Working in Burn Units in South Punjab, Pakistan.


  • Saba Nazeer Charge Nurse - Sardar Fateh Muhammad Khan Buzdar Institute Of Cardiology Hospital - Dera Gazhi Khan - Pakistan
  • Sajida Manzoor Nishtar Medical University - Multan - Pakistan
  • Zaibu un Nisa Charge nurse Allama Iqbal Teaching Hospital D.G.Khan
  • Anna Rana University College Of Nursing - Islamia University - Bahawalpur - Pakistan
  • Adeela Qayyum University College Of Nursing - Islamia University - Bahawalpur - Pakistan




Burn Units, Nurses, Nursing Education, Patient Care, Spiritual Beliefs, Work-Life Balance, Workload


Background: Nurses play an integral role in the multidisciplinary team managing care for burn patients. Their unique insights and experiences in such high-stress environments are crucial yet often underexplored. This study aims to illuminate the challenges and experiences of nurses in burn units within tertiary care hospitals in South Punjab, Pakistan.

Objective: To explore and document the experiences of nurses working in burn units, focusing on the challenges they face and the coping mechanisms they employ.

Methods: A qualitative study was conducted in 2022 using purposeful sampling to select 16 nurses from burn units at tertiary care hospitals in South Punjab, Pakistan. Data were collected through semi-structured, in-depth interviews and analyzed using thematic analysis to identify key themes and sub-themes.

Results: Analysis of the interview data revealed four main themes and sixteen sub-themes. The main themes identified were Workload, Spiritual Beliefs in Patient Care, Nursing Education Services in Hospitals, and Work-Life Balance. These themes encompass the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges faced by nurses, as well as their educational needs and the impact of their work on personal life.

Conclusion: Nurses in burn units encounter numerous challenges that affect both their professional duties and personal lives. There is a critical need for better support structures, including modern facilities, continuous training, and more attentive administrative practices. Enhancements such as increased staffing, unit rotation, and provisions for financial and motivational incentives are necessary to improve care for burn patients and support the well-being of nurses.


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Author Biographies

Saba Nazeer, Charge Nurse - Sardar Fateh Muhammad Khan Buzdar Institute Of Cardiology Hospital - Dera Gazhi Khan - Pakistan

Bachelor Science Of Nursing - Charge Nurse - Sardar Fateh Muhammad Khan Buzdar Institute Of Cardiology Hospital - Dera Gazhi Khan - Pakistan

Sajida Manzoor, Nishtar Medical University - Multan - Pakistan

Head Nurse - Post Rn - Pak Italian Burn Center - Nishtar Medical University - Multan - Pakistan

Zaibu un Nisa, Charge nurse Allama Iqbal Teaching Hospital D.G.Khan

Post Rn - Diploma In General Nursing - Charge Nurse - Allama Iqbal Teaching Hospital - D.G.Khan - Pakistan

Anna Rana, University College Of Nursing - Islamia University - Bahawalpur - Pakistan

Assistant Professor - MPhil Nursing - Generic BSc Nursing - University College Of Nursing - Islamia University - Bahawalpur - Pakistan

Adeela Qayyum, University College Of Nursing - Islamia University - Bahawalpur - Pakistan

Assistant Professor - MPhil In Nursing - MPhil Public Health - Generic BSc Nursing - University College Of Nursing - Islamia University - Bahawalpur - Pakistan


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How to Cite

Saba Nazeer, Sajida Manzoor, Zaibu un Nisa, Anna Rana, & Adeela Qayyum. (2024). A Qualitative Study on Nurses’ Experiences Working in Burn Units in South Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(2), 805–809. https://doi.org/10.61919/jhrr.v4i2.914