Educational Intervention regarding Osteoporosis Knowledge among Nurses: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Survey


  • Khair Un Nisa Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences-Islamabad
  • Atta Ur Rehman Institute of Health and Management Sciences-Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University- Islamabad
  • Ume Hani Rawalpindi Medical University-Rawalpindi



Osteoporosis, Nursing Education, Health Awareness, Non-pharmacological Management, Public Health


Background: Osteoporosis, a significant public health concern, necessitates informative health interventions due to its largely modifiable risk factors. Non-pharmacological approaches play a vital role in managing this condition. This survey aimed to assess the impact of an educational intervention on osteoporosis knowledge among nursing professionals.

Objective: The primary objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of a health information brochure as an educational tool in enhancing osteoporosis awareness among nurses.

Methods: Employing a comparative cross-sectional design, the study systematically sampled 278 nurses using the Roasoft calculator. Data were collected through a pre- and post-intervention osteoporosis quiz, with a health information brochure utilized for the intervention.

Results: The study achieved a 100% response rate. Pre-intervention, 70.9% of nurses correctly identified that osteoporosis affects both genders, which increased to 82.4% post-intervention. Statistical analysis revealed a weak correlation in bone health knowledge (r=0.35, p<0.001), a strong association in understanding risk factors (r=0.70, p<0.001), and treatment and prevention (r=0.89, p<0.001). Significant differences in knowledge improvement were confirmed through paired t-test statistics.

Conclusions: The survey demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in osteoporosis knowledge following the educational intervention. The results advocate for the integration of enhanced osteoporosis-related education in nursing curricula and continuing education programs, addressing the identified gap in responsiveness and knowledge as a barrier to optimal patient care.


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Author Biographies

Khair Un Nisa , Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences-Islamabad

BSN, MPH, Nursing Instructor

Atta Ur Rehman, Institute of Health and Management Sciences-Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University- Islamabad

PhD Fellowship, Assistant Professor

Ume Hani, Rawalpindi Medical University-Rawalpindi

MD, Women Medical Officer


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How to Cite

Nisa , K. U., Rehman, A. U., & Hani, U. (2023). Educational Intervention regarding Osteoporosis Knowledge among Nurses: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Survey. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 125–131.