Exploring the Association Between Trunk Asymmetry and Dominance Preference


  • Tooba Nadeem University of Management and Technology
  • Nosheen Manzoor University of Management and Technology
  • Maria Asghar University of Management and Technology
  • Sidra Zaman University of Management and Technology
  • Mehkshan Awan University of Management and Technology
  • Fiza Iftikhar University of Management and Technology
  • Filza Ali Naqvi University of Management and Technology




Scoliosis, Postural Imbalance, Handedness, Laterality, Functional Dominance, Asymmetry, Spinal Deviation


Background: Trunk asymmetry, an indicator of potential scoliosis, manifests as an uneven distribution in body alignment such as shoulder, head, and hip positions. An individual's inherent preference to use one side of the body over the other, known as laterality, may contribute to such imbalances. This study aimed to explore the correlation between trunk asymmetry and side preference in adults, particularly in relation to hand, foot, ear, and eye dominance.

Methodology: In this cross-sectional study, 164 young adults aged 18-25 were screened using the Adam’s forward bend test. Data collection encompassed three phases: demographic and anthropometric data collection (Phase 1), a visual inspection for head tilt, shoulder and pelvic asymmetry, and spinal curvature deviation (Phase 2), and an assessment of side dominance using a 16-item lateral preference inventory questionnaire (Phase 3).

Results: Hand dominance correlated significantly with head tilt (p < 0.01), shoulder asymmetry (p < 0.05), and ear asymmetry (83.5% concordance), while foot dominance was associated with pelvic tilt (57.3% concordance). Eye dominance showed a 65.9% concordance with ear asymmetry, and ear dominance was linked to head tilt and shoulder asymmetry (81.7% and 94.5% concordance, respectively). Spinal curve deviation displayed a chi-square value of 3.158 (p < 0.05) with hand dominance and 4.321 (p < 0.05) with foot dominance.

Conclusion: The study establishes a significant association between trunk asymmetry and dominance preference. These findings advocate for the integration of laterality assessments in the clinical evaluation of trunk asymmetry to potentially enhance diagnostic accuracy and inform therapeutic approaches.


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Author Biographies

Tooba Nadeem, University of Management and Technology


Nosheen Manzoor, University of Management and Technology

Assistant Professor

Maria Asghar, University of Management and Technology


Sidra Zaman, University of Management and Technology


Mehkshan Awan, University of Management and Technology


Fiza Iftikhar , University of Management and Technology


Filza Ali Naqvi , University of Management and Technology



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How to Cite

Nadeem, T., Manzoor, N., Asghar, M., Zaman, S., Awan, M., Iftikhar , F., & Ali Naqvi , F. (2023). Exploring the Association Between Trunk Asymmetry and Dominance Preference. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 265–271. https://doi.org/10.61919/jhrr.v3i2.98