Association of Nutritional Status with Gross Motor Function in Cerebral Palsy


  • Maryam Shams Riphah International Institute Lahore Pakistan.
  • Danish Hassan Riphah International Institute Lahore Pakistan.
  • Mehwish Boota The University of Lahore-Lahore Pakistan.
  • Ali Asad Naeem The University of Lahore-Lahore Pakistan.
  • Osama Khalil The University of Lahore-Lahore Pakistan.



Cerebral Palsy, Gross Motor Function Scale, Nutritional Status, WHO ANTHRO PLUS, Malnutrition


Background: Cerebral palsy is a prevalent disorder characterized by severe disability in body structures, impacting physical activities and daily living. This condition is often accompanied by poor nutritional status due to its complex interaction with movement and posture disorders.

Objective: The study aimed to determine the association between nutritional status and gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy.

Methods: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted at Khawaja Arshad Hospital, Sargodha from July to December 2020. Children aged 4-12 years diagnosed with cerebral palsy were included, excluding those with genetic, metabolic, or neurodegenerative diseases affecting growth. Nutritional status was assessed using the WHO ANTHRO PLUS calculator, and children were categorized into five levels of gross motor function based on the Gross Motor Function Classification System.

Results: The study consisted of 55% males and 45% females. Gross motor function assessments revealed that 25% of participants were in level I, 60% in levels II and III, and 15% in levels IV and V. Nutritional assessments indicated that 17% of the children were malnourished, 70% had normal nutrition, and 12% were overweight. Height for age percentile showed 30% malnutrition and 70% normal nutritional status.

Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between the severity of gross motor dysfunction and nutritional status in children with cerebral palsy, with higher levels of motor impairment associated with greater nutritional deficits.


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Author Biographies

Maryam Shams, Riphah International Institute Lahore Pakistan.

Student in physical therapy department, Riphah International Institute Lahore, Pakistan.

Danish Hassan, Riphah International Institute Lahore Pakistan.

Assistant Professor, physical therapy department, Riphah International Institute Lahore, Pakistan.

Mehwish Boota, The University of Lahore-Lahore Pakistan.

Student at University Institute of Physical Therapy, The University of Lahore-Lahore Pakistan.

Ali Asad Naeem, The University of Lahore-Lahore Pakistan.

Student in University Institute of Physical Therapy department, The University of Lahore-Lahore Pakistan.

Osama Khalil, The University of Lahore-Lahore Pakistan.

Student in University Institute of Physical Therapy department, The University of Lahore-Lahore Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Shams, M., Hassan, D., Boota, M., Naeem, A. A., & Khalil, O. (2024). Association of Nutritional Status with Gross Motor Function in Cerebral Palsy. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(2), 1265–1273.