Prevalence of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Among Staff of Lahore Care Hospital Prevalence of SIJD in Hospital Staff

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Ayesha Asif
Kiran Liaquat
Bismah Arif
Amina Saeed
Muhammad Arslan
Fatima Altaf
Faiza Jabbar
Intsam Aslam


Background: Sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJD) is a prevalent cause of lower back pain, particularly in physically demanding professions like healthcare. Hospital staff who perform repetitive movements and experience prolonged standing or lifting are at increased risk.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of sacroiliac joint dysfunction among staff members at Lahore Care Hospital and assess associated occupational risk factors.
Methods: A six-month cross-sectional study was conducted using Non-Probability Purposive Sampling to recruit 79 hospital staff aged 17-27 years who reported back pain. Trauma, surgery, pregnancy, scoliosis, and fractures were excluded. SIJD was diagnosed through a combination of SIJ provocation tests, including the distraction, compression, thigh thrust, sacral thrust, Faber, and Gaenslen’s tests, with three or more positive tests confirming SIJD. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 25.
Results: Out of 79 participants, the Thigh Thrust test was positive in 54.4%, Faber in 50.6%, Compression in 49.4%, Gaenslen’s in 49.4%, Sacral Thrust in 48.1%, and Distraction in 48.1%. A total of 59.5% of participants had SIJD based on diagnostic criteria.
Conclusion: SIJD prevalence was high among hospital staff, emphasizing the need for early detection, preventive measures, and workplace ergonomics.

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How to Cite
Ayesha Asif, Kiran Liaquat, Bismah Arif, Amina Saeed, Muhammad Arslan, Fatima Altaf, Faiza Jabbar, & Aslam, I. (2024). Prevalence of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Among Staff of Lahore Care Hospital: Prevalence of SIJD in Hospital Staff. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(3), 1–5.


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