Comparison of 3% Normal Saline Nebulization versus Steroid Nebulization in the Treatment of Bronchiolitis


  • Muhammad Suleman Mardan Medical Complex- Mardan
  • Faizan Sadiq Mardan Medical Complex- Mardan
  • Muhammad Qasim Khan Bacha Khan Medical College-Mardan
  • Abdul Jabar Mardan Medical Complex- Mardan
  • Arooj Khan Khyber Teaching Hospital- Peshawar
  • Nighat Musa Bacha Khan Medical College- Mardan



3% normal saline, Bronchiolitis, Nebulization, Pediatric intensive care unit, Steroids


Background: Bronchiolitis is a leading cause of hospitalization in infants. This study aimed to compare the efficacy of 3% normal saline nebulization with steroid nebulization in the treatment of bronchiolitis.

Methods: Conducted at the Department of Pediatrics, Mardan Medical Complex, Mardan from November 15, 2022, to March 15, 2023, this randomized controlled trial involved 60 infants aged 3 to 12 months diagnosed with bronchiolitis. They were equally randomized into two groups: Group-A received 3% normal saline nebulization, while Group-B was treated with steroid and salbutamol nebulization, administered three times daily. Efficacy assessments were made at 0, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours using the respiratory distress assessment instrument. The primary outcome was defined as the number of patients discharged from the hospital within ≤ 72 hours after starting treatment. The chi-square test was used for statistical comparison, with p ≤0.05 considered significant.

Results: The mean±SD age in the study was 6.91±2.41 months, with a gender distribution of 55% male and 45% female. The study revealed that a significantly higher number of infants in Group-A were discharged from the hospital within ≤ 3 days compared to Group-B (90% vs 63.33%, p=0.01). Additionally, Group-A had a significantly shorter mean length of hospital stay (2.76±0.51 days) compared to Group-B (3.58±0.82 days, p=0.00).

Conclusion: Nebulization with 3% normal saline was found to be significantly more effective than steroid nebulization in reducing the severity of bronchiolitis and the duration of hospitalization in infants aged between 3-12 months.


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Author Biographies

Muhammad Suleman , Mardan Medical Complex- Mardan

Postgraduate Resident, Department of Pediatrics

Faizan Sadiq, Mardan Medical Complex- Mardan

Postgraduate Resident, Department of Pediatrics

Muhammad Qasim Khan , Bacha Khan Medical College-Mardan

Associate Professor Paeds

Abdul Jabar , Mardan Medical Complex- Mardan

Post Graduate Trainee, Medical Officer

Arooj Khan, Khyber Teaching Hospital- Peshawar

Post Graduate Resident, Department of Pediatrics

Nighat Musa , Bacha Khan Medical College- Mardan

Assistant Professor Community Medicine Department


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How to Cite

Suleman , M., Sadiq, F., Qasim Khan , M., Jabar , A., Khan, A., & Musa , N. (2023). Comparison of 3% Normal Saline Nebulization versus Steroid Nebulization in the Treatment of Bronchiolitis. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 472–476.