Prevalence, Symptoms, and Treatment of Bronchiolitis and Pneumonia in Pediatric Patients

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Khalil Ahmad
Muhammad Qasim Khan
Abbas Ali
Abdul Jabar
Hazrat Anus
Muhammad Suleman


Background: Pediatric respiratory diseases, particularly pneumonia and bronchiolitis, pose significant health challenges worldwide. Understanding their prevalence, symptomatology, and effective treatment is crucial for improving pediatric health outcomes.

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the occurrence, symptoms, and treatment outcomes of pneumonia and bronchiolitis in children under five years of age at the GKMC Swabi Department of Pediatrics.

Methods: The study design was retrospective study, conducted from January 2022 to January 2023, at GKMC Swabi Department of Paediatrics included 100 pediatric patients diagnosed with either pneumonia (n=40) or bronchiolitis (n=60). Patients aged 0 to 10 years with respiratory symptoms indicative of these diseases were selected, excluding those with severe comorbidities or chronic respiratory disorders. Data on demographic characteristics, clinical symptoms, diagnostic test results, and treatment outcomes were collected from medical records. Diagnosis was based on clinical examination, chest Xrays, blood tests, and other relevant procedures. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis, utilizing SPSS version 25.

Results: The mean age of patients was 3.2 years (±0.5). Gender distribution was equal, with a 50/50 maletofemale ratio. Bronchiolitis and pneumonia accounted for 60% and 40% of cases, respectively. Common symptoms included cough (88%), fever (80%), and difficulty in breathing (65%). The positive treatment response was observed in 77.5% of cases, with 32.5% requiring hospitalization. The average duration of hospital stay was 5.0 days (±1.3). Secondary symptoms like wheezing (35%), chest pain (17.5%), runny nose (32.5%), and vomiting (17.5%) were also noted.

Conclusion: The study highlights the significant burden of pneumonia and bronchiolitis in young children and the effectiveness of current treatment modalities. The findings emphasize the need for early recognition and treatment of these diseases, along with continued research into preventive measures and longterm outcomes.

Keywords: Pediatric Respiratory Diseases, Pneumonia, Bronchiolitis, Child Health, Hospitalization, Treatment Outcomes.

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How to Cite
Ahmad, K., Khan, M. Q., Ali, A., Jabar, A., Anus, H., & Suleman, M. (2023). Prevalence, Symptoms, and Treatment of Bronchiolitis and Pneumonia in Pediatric Patients. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 1099–1104.


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