Correlation of Gravidity with Cesarean Section Scar Thickness on Ultrasound in Third Trimester of Pregnancy

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Babar Ali
Tahreem Awan
Syeda Romaisa Karmani
Talat Zulfiqar
Muhammad Ahmad Safdar
Syed Awais Ali Shah
Iqra Manzoor


Background: The correlation between gravidity and cesarean scar thickness is an important consideration in obstetric care, particularly in the context of predicting complications in subsequent pregnancies following a cesarean delivery. Previous studies have provided varied insights, but the relationship remains incompletely understood.

Objective: This study aimed to determine the correlation between gravidity and cesarean section scar thickness as assessed by ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Methods: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted with 100 females from the community, recruited from the University of Lahore Teaching Hospital, Lahore. The study focused on assessing cesarean scar thickness in relation to gravidity. Participants’ age ranged from 18 to 44 years. Data were analyzed using statistical methods to determine the correlation between independent variables (age, trimester) and the dependent variable (cesarean section scar thickness).

Results: The mean scar thickness measured by transabdominal ultrasound from 36 to 38 weeks was 3.05 mm. The p-value for the correlation between gravidity and cesarean scar thickness was -0.141, indicating no significant correlation. Additionally, the study found no substantial evidence to suggest that gravidity is a reliable predictor of cesarean scar thickness.

Conclusion: The study concludes that gravidity does not significantly correlate with cesarean scar thickness in the third trimester. This finding underscores the necessity for a more individualized approach in assessing risks associated with VBAC and other pregnancy-related complications in women with a history of cesarean deliveries.

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How to Cite
Ali, B., Awan, T., Karmani, S. R., Zulfiqar , T., Safdar, M. A., Ali Shah, S. A., & Manzoor , I. (2023). Correlation of Gravidity with Cesarean Section Scar Thickness on Ultrasound in Third Trimester of Pregnancy. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 595–601.


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