Prevalence of Lower Back Pain in Undergraduate Physiotherapy Students in Lahore


  • Faryall Kemall Nur International University- Lahore
  • Bushra Umair Fatima Memorial Hospital- Lahore
  • Faiha Saman Nur International University- Lahore
  • Meerab Ikram Nur International University- Lahore
  • Sana Gohar City Institute of Management & Emerging Sciences- Lahore
  • Ahmed Jamal NOVA Patient Care, VA, USA



Lower Back Pain, Physiotherapy Students, Prevalence, Gender Disparity, Body Mass Index, Pain Intensity, Activities of Daily Living


Background: Lower Back Pain (LBP) is a prevalent condition among various populations, including students in physically demanding disciplines such as physiotherapy. Understanding the prevalence and associated factors of LBP in this group is crucial for developing effective prevention and intervention strategies.

Objective: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of LBP among undergraduate physiotherapy students in Lahore, assess the relationship between LBP and factors like gender, BMI, pain intensity, and its impact on activities of daily living (ADL).

Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted at four prominent universities in Lahore: The University of Management and Technology Lahore (UMT), Riphah International University Lahore, the University of Lahore Campus (UOL), and the University of South Asia (USA). The study included 390 undergraduate physiotherapy students, aged 18-25, with a gender distribution of 162 males and 228 females. Data on LBP prevalence, pain intensity, BMI, and its impact on ADL were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results: Out of the 390 students, 176 (45.1%) reported experiencing LBP. The prevalence was higher among females (67.0%) than males (33.0%). Students with a BMI in the 25-29.9 range exhibited the highest prevalence of backache. Pain intensity varied, with a higher incidence of moderate to severe pain among females. The University of Lahore reported the highest percentage of LBP (27.8%), while the University of South Asia had the lowest (22.2%).

Conclusion: The study indicates a significant prevalence of LBP among undergraduate physiotherapy students in Lahore, with a notable gender disparity and a correlation with BMI. These findings emphasize the need for targeted preventive measures and health promotion programs in academic settings to address LBP and its impact on students' well-being and academic performance.


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How to Cite

Kemall, F., Umair, B., Saman, F., Ikram, M., Gohar , S., & Jamal, A. (2024). Prevalence of Lower Back Pain in Undergraduate Physiotherapy Students in Lahore. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(1), 222–226.