Association of TMJ dysfunction with mechanical neck pain among office workers in Lahore


  • Rabia Basri Nur International University Lahore
  • Sheher Bano Rizwi Nur International University Lahore
  • Rahat Afzal Shalamar School of Allied Health Sciences
  • Anam Abbas Nur International University Lahore
  • Warda Answer Nur International University Lahore
  • Faryall Kemall Nur International University Lahore



Temporomandibular (TMJ) Dysfunction, Mechanical Neck Pain, Office workers


Background: Neck pain is prevalent among office workers, attributed to static postures that increase stress on neck muscles. Poor sitting posture can lead to spinal ligament damage, worsening neck pain over time. Additionally, Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) is often associated with neck pain, with neck pain being a common risk factor for TMD.

Objective: This study aims to investigate the association between temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction and mechanical neck pain among office workers in Lahore.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving office workers from various offices in Lahore who reported neck pain. After obtaining informed consent, data was collected using two questionnaires: the Fonseca Anamnestic Index (FAI) to assess TMJ dysfunction, and the Neck Disability Index (NDI) to evaluate the extent of neck disability.

Results: Among the one hundred participants, 67% reported minimal neck disability, 31% moderate neck disability, and 2% severe neck disability. In terms of TMJ dysfunction, 44% of participants showed no signs of TMD, 42% had mild TMD, 11% moderate TMD, and 3% severe TMD. A significant association was found between TMJ dysfunction and neck pain, with a p-value of 0.006, showing a positive correlation.

Conclusion: The study concluded that office workers with self-reported neck pain showed a higher prevalence of TMD symptoms. There exists a significant positive association between temporomandibular dysfunction and mechanical neck pain among this demographic.


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Author Biographies

Rabia Basri, Nur International University Lahore


Sheher Bano Rizwi, Nur International University Lahore


Rahat Afzal , Shalamar School of Allied Health Sciences

DPT, Lecturer

Anam Abbas, Nur International University Lahore

DPT, Lecturer

Warda Answer, Nur International University Lahore


Faryall Kemall, Nur International University Lahore

DPT, Lecturer


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How to Cite

Basri, R., Bano Rizwi, S., Afzal , R., Abbas, A., Answer, W., & Kemall, F. (2023). Association of TMJ dysfunction with mechanical neck pain among office workers in Lahore. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 53–59.