Anemia Association with Socio -Demographic and Dietary Related Factors among Women of Childbearing Age: A Review Article
Anemia Prevalence, Reproductive age, nutritional factorsAbstract
Anemia is a common condition that significantly impacts women of reproductive age and is recognized as one of the most prevalent nutritional deficiency conditions globally. This review study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and severity of anemia and its association with contributing factors among women of reproductive age. The key causes of anemia identified are age between 25-35, low income, residing in remote areas, and limited access to healthcare. The study proposes that preventing low birth weight, perinatal, and maternal mortality is contingent upon effectively treating anemia in women of childbearing age. It is essential for women of reproductive age, particularly those in disadvantaged circumstances, to improve their financial and educational status, alter their eating habits, and enhance their overall health. Consuming meals rich in rice, tea, and plant-based foods should be minimized as they contribute to the increased incidence of anemia. The study emphasizes that national nutrition programs should focus on developing strategies to promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables, particularly in rural areas of Pakistan, to address anemia among women of reproductive age.
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