Understanding the Impact of Bereavement, Coping Strategies and Psychological Well-Being in Young Adolescents: A Correlational Study

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Saleem Gul
Sadia Malik
Sidra Altaf
Hamza Asghar


Background: Bereavement during adolescence is a critical issue that significantly impacts psychological well-being. Understanding how young individuals cope with the loss of a loved one and how these coping strategies affect their mental health is essential for developing effective support and interventions.

Objective: This study aimed to explore the relationship between bereavement, coping strategies, and psychological well-being in young adolescents. It also sought to identify any gender differences in coping mechanisms and psychological outcomes.

Methods: A correlational study design was employed, with a purposive sample of 200 adolescents (100 males and 100 females, aged 17-20 years) from five public sector colleges in Punjab. Participants were selected based on having experienced the death of one parent. The study employed a structured questionnaire, which included scales for measuring bereavement, coping strategies, and psychological well-being. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS, focusing on descriptive statistics and correlation analysis.

Results: The study found a positive correlation between the Emotion Focused Engagement Subscale and the Core Bereavement Items (r = .25**), as well as between the Emotion Focused Engagement Subscale and the Images and Thoughts Subscale (r = .23**). Additionally, a significant relationship was observed between the Emotion Focused Disengagement Subscale and the Acute Suppression Subscale (r = .24**). In terms of coping and psychological well-being, Problem Solving showed a strong positive correlation with the Psychological Well-Being Scale (r = .36**), and Cognitive Restructuring was also notably correlated (r = .46**). Gender differences were evident in the Autonomy subscale of the Psychological Wellbeing Scale.

Conclusion: The study highlights the importance of emotion-focused coping strategies in managing bereavement among adolescents. The identified correlations between specific coping strategies and psychological well-being underscore the need for targeted interventions that focus on these areas. The gender differences observed suggest that tailored approaches may be necessary to address the distinct coping needs of male and female adolescents.

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How to Cite
Gul, S., Malik, S., Altaf, S., & Asghar, H. (2023). Understanding the Impact of Bereavement, Coping Strategies and Psychological Well-Being in Young Adolescents: A Correlational Study. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 1128–1132. https://doi.org/10.61919/jhrr.v3i2.288
Author Biographies

Saleem Gul, Govt. Associate College for Boys Bedian road Lahore

Assistant Professor at Govt. Associate College for Boys Bedian road Lahore

Sadia Malik, University of Sargodha

Associate Professor of Psychology at University of Sargodha

Sidra Altaf, Kinnaird College For Women University- Lahore

Scholar at Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore

Hamza Asghar, University of Health Sciences Lahore

Institute of Allied Health Sciences


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