Exploring Peer Dynamics: A Cross-Sectional Quantitative Analysis


  • Saleem Gul Government Associate College For Boys Bedian Road Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Sidra Altaf Kinnaird College For Women University Lahore Pakistan.
  • Hamza Asghar University of Health Sciences Lahore Pakistan.




Peer Pressure, Family Systems, Young Adults, Adolescents, Correlation Study, University Students, Behavioral Influence


Background: Peer pressure plays a pivotal role in shaping the behaviors and values of adolescents and young adults, with family systems often posited as a significant influencing factor. Traditional research emphasizes the substantial impact of these elements on individual development, yet recent findings suggest a need for reevaluation of these relationships.

Objective: This study aimed to explore the relationship between family systems and peer pressure, with a particular focus on understanding how family dynamics influence peer interactions among youth and young adults.

Methods: A correlation research design was employed, sampling 40 private university students aged between 18-25 years, balanced in gender (20 males, 20 females) and enrolled in various bachelor’s degree programs. Exclusion criteria included hostellite students, government university students, and those above 26 years. The Subjective Peer Pressure Scale (ppQ-r) was utilized to measure peer influence, demonstrating good internal consistency (Cronbach's alphas between 0.80 and 0.78). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 25, considering factors such as age, gender, educational background, and family type.

Results: The study found that 62.5% of participants were in the 18-22 age range, with 55% being female. Most participants (80%) came from joint families. The mean score for family system influence was 1.4000 (SD = 0.49), while peer pressure recorded a mean of 76.47 (SD = 13.41). The correlation coefficient between family systems and peer pressure was 0.306, indicating a statistically insignificant relationship (p > 0.05).

Conclusion: The findings challenge the traditionally assumed significant influence of family systems on peer pressure. This study suggests that the relationship between family dynamics and peer interactions is less direct and significant than previously thought, calling for a more context-specific understanding of these dynamics. These insights are vital for developing more effective educational and counseling strategies that address the complexities of peer dynamics in youth.


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Author Biographies

Saleem Gul, Government Associate College For Boys Bedian Road Lahore, Pakistan.

Assistant Professor Psychology.

Sidra Altaf, Kinnaird College For Women University Lahore Pakistan.


Hamza Asghar, University of Health Sciences Lahore Pakistan.

Institute of Allied Health Sciences.


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How to Cite

Gul, S., Altaf, S., & Asghar, H. (2024). Exploring Peer Dynamics: A Cross-Sectional Quantitative Analysis. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(1), 297–301. https://doi.org/10.61919/jhrr.v4i1.366