High Dose Statin as Upstream Therapy and the Frequency of Slow-Flow Phenomenon in Patients Undergoing Primary PCI or Immediate Invasive Therapy

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Anwar Jamal Khan
Somera Naz


Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, necessitating effective treatment strategies. High-dose statin therapy has emerged as a potentially superior approach to improving coronary blood flow and reducing the slow-flow phenomenon, a common complication following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), compared to standard-dose statin therapy.

Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of high-dose statin therapy as an upstream treatment in enhancing coronary blood flow and reducing the incidence of the slow-flow phenomenon in patients undergoing primary PCI or immediate invasive therapy for acute myocardial infarction (AMI).

Methods: In a prospective observational study conducted between February 2023 and January 2024, 95 patients with AMI scheduled for primary PCI or urgent treatment were enrolled and divided into two groups: high-dose statin (n=48) and standard-dose statin (n=47). Group A received high-dose atorvastatin before PCI, while Group B was given the standard statin dosage. Baseline characteristics, clinical parameters, coronary angiography findings, and adverse events were recorded. The primary outcome was the incidence of the slow-flow phenomenon, assessed using Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) flow grades. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 25.

Results: The high-dose statin group showed a significant reduction in the incidence of the slow-flow phenomenon post-PCI (10.4% in Group A vs. 31.9% in Group B, p=0.014) and improved TIMI flow grades. No significant differences were found in baseline characteristics or clinical parameters between the groups. Adverse events were comparable between both groups.

Conclusion: High-dose statin therapy prior to PCI significantly reduces the slow-flow phenomenon and improves coronary blood flow in patients with AMI, supporting its use as an effective upstream therapy in CAD management. Further large-scale studies are warranted to confirm these findings and explore the long-term benefits of high-dose statin therapy in diverse populations.

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How to Cite
Khan, A. J., & Naz, S. (2024). High Dose Statin as Upstream Therapy and the Frequency of Slow-Flow Phenomenon in Patients Undergoing Primary PCI or Immediate Invasive Therapy. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(1), 1728–1732. https://doi.org/10.61919/jhrr.v4i1.741
Author Biographies

Anwar Jamal Khan, Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar Pakistan.

 Department of Cardiology, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan.

Somera Naz, Shifa International Hospital Islamabad Pakistan.

Department of Cardiology, Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad, Pakistan.


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