The Parent-Child Relationship, Locus of Control and Self-Defeating Behaviour in Individual with Substance Use Disorder
Parent-Child Relationship, Locus of Control, Self-Defeating Behavior, Substance Use, Pakistani Community, Psychological Factors, Family DynamicsAbstract
Background: The study explores the influence of parent-child relationships (PCR) and locus of control (internal and external) on self-defeating behaviours (SDB) among individuals with substance use disorders in the Pakistani community. These relationships are pivotal in understanding behaviour patterns related to substance abuse.
Objective: The objective is to examine the correlations and potential mediation effects between PCR, internal locus of control (ILOC), external locus of control (ELOC), and SDB in individuals with substance use disorders.
Methods: A correlational research design with purposive sampling was used, involving 150 participants from various clinics and hospitals in Lahore. The study employed Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, linear regression, and mediation analysis. Instruments included the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment, Levenson Multidimensional Locus of Control Scale, and Ottawa Self-Injury Inventory Scale.
Results: PCR showed a moderate positive correlation with ILOC (r = .40) and ELOC (r = .32), and a negative correlation with SDB (r = -.18). Age negatively correlated with SDB (r = -.21) and positively with marital status (r = .15). Stepwise regression analysis revealed Age (b = 1.3, β = .29***) and Life Satisfaction (b = -13.6, β = -.28***) as significant predictors of SDB. Mediation analysis indicated PCR significantly predicts ILOC (B = .09, R² = .26***) and ELOC (B = .11, R² = .25***), but these did not significantly mediate the relationship between PCR and SDB.
Conclusion: The study underscores the significant role of PCR and locus of control in the manifestation of SDB among substance users. It highlights the complex interplay of family dynamics, personal control perceptions, and individual well-being, providing insights for targeted interventions in the Pakistani context.
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