To Study the Physico Chemical Characteristics and Mineral Contant of Pomegranate Arils Juice

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Janat Ul Mawa
Humaira Wasila
Imran Ahmed
Murad Ali
Lubna Pervez
Hina Saleem
Maria Noor Us Saba
Kalsoom Bibi
Muhammad Zubair


Background: Pomegranate arils juice is renowned for its nutritional qualities, which are influenced by various storage conditions and varietal characteristics. This study explores the physico-chemical properties and mineral content of three distinct pomegranate varieties—Ghandhri, Bedana, and Tarnab Gulabi—under different storage conditions.

Objective: The primary goal of the research was to examine the impact of storage on the TSS, pH, acidity, and mineral content (iron, zinc, and calcium) of pomegranate arils juice from three regional varieties.

Methods: The study was conducted at the Human Nutrition and Agriculture Chemistry laboratory at the University of Agriculture, Peshawar, and the Food Science division of the Agriculture Research Institute Tarnab. Fresh and stored juices from the three varieties were analyzed to assess changes in physico-chemical properties and mineral content.

Results: Storage led to an increase in the levels of zinc and iron, with recorded increases in zinc to 0.568±0.04 ppm in Ghandhri and iron peaking at 0.19±0.2 ppm in Tarnab Gulabi. However, calcium content decreased during storage, with a notable reduction to 3.13±2.93 ppm in stored juices. TSS was highest in Ghandhri and Tarnab Gulabi at 15.6±1.02, while acidity was highest in Ghandhri at 2.139±0.19.

Conclusion: The study confirms that storage significantly alters the physico-chemical properties and mineral content of pomegranate arils juice, with detrimental effects on calcium levels but beneficial impacts on zinc and iron content. Notable varietal differences were observed, with Tarnab Gulabi displaying the highest phenolic content.

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How to Cite
Mawa, J. U., Humaira Wasila, Imran Ahmed, Murad Ali, Lubna Pervez, Hina Saleem, Maria Noor Us Saba, Kalsoom Bibi, & Muhammad Zubair. (2024). To Study the Physico Chemical Characteristics and Mineral Contant of Pomegranate Arils Juice. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(2), 874–878.
Author Biographies

Janat Ul Mawa, Women University Swabi- Swabi- Pakistan.

Department Of Food Science & Nutrition- Women University Swabi- Swabi- Pakistan.

Humaira Wasila, Agriculture University Peshawar- Peshawar- Pakistan.

Department Of Human Nutrition- Agriculture University Peshawar- Peshawar- Pakistan.

Imran Ahmed, Agriculture University Peshawar- Peshawar- Pakistan.

Department Of Horticulture- Agriculture University Peshawar- Peshawar- Pakistan.

Murad Ali, Agriculture University Peshawar- Peshawar- Pakistan.

Department Of Food Science And Technology- Agriculture University Peshawar- Peshawar- Pakistan.

Lubna Pervez, Agriculture University Peshawar- Peshawar- Pakistan.

Department Of Human Nutrition- Agriculture University Peshawar- Peshawar- Pakistan.

Hina Saleem, Agriculture University Peshawar- Peshawar- Pakistan.

Department Of Human Nutrition- Agriculture University Peshawar- Peshawar- Pakistan.

Maria Noor Us Saba, Women University Swabi- Swabi- Pakistan.

Department Of Food Science & Nutrition- Women University Swabi- Swabi- Pakistan.

Kalsoom Bibi, Agriculture University Peshawar- Peshawar- Pakistan.

Department Of Human Nutrition- Agriculture University Peshawar- Peshawar- Pakistan.

Muhammad Zubair, Women University Swabi- Swabi- Pakistan.

Department Of Medical Imaging Technology- Women University Swabi- Swabi- Pakistan.


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