An Assessment of Predisposing Factors of Periodontitis in Individuals

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Syeda Ali Haider Kazmi
Mohammad Taha Qamar
Noor Ul Ain Khan
Syeda Sara Mehdi
Minahil Wasif
Rana Ahmad Mujtaba
Hira Butt


Background: Periodontitis, characterized by clinical attachment loss (CAL), is a prevalent global oral health issue leading to tooth loss. Various predisposing factors such as smoking, dietary habits, stress, and oral trauma are implicated in its development. Understanding these factors is crucial for targeted interventions and improved periodontal health outcomes.

Objective: To assess the predisposing factors of periodontitis in individuals.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 50 individuals visiting the College of Dentistry, Sharif Medical and Dental College, Lahore. Data were collected by measuring clinical attachment loss. Patients were classified based on CAL into mild, moderate, and severe periodontitis categories. The Chi-square test was used to analyze associations between periodontitis severity and factors like smoking duration, betel quid chewing, stress, oral trauma, and an unbalanced diet.

Results: A significant association was found between smoking duration and periodontitis (p=0.04). Individuals with a smoking history of over five years had higher rates of severe (51%) and moderate (18.4%) periodontitis compared to those with a history of less than five years (8.2%). Betel quid chewing (p=0.254), stress (p=0.871), oral trauma (p=0.557), and an unbalanced diet (p=0.883) were not significantly associated with periodontitis.

Conclusion: Severe periodontitis was more prevalent in individuals with a smoking history of over five years and those consuming an unhealthy diet. Moderate periodontitis was more common in individuals without a betel quid chewing habit. Mild periodontitis was observed in those reporting stress-related gum or tooth pain and those with a history of oral trauma.

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How to Cite
Kazmi, S. A. H., Qamar, M. T., Khan, N. U. A., Mehdi, S. S., Wasif, M., Mujtaba, R. A., & Butt, H. (2024). An Assessment of Predisposing Factors of Periodontitis in Individuals. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(2), 1323–1327.
Author Biographies

Syeda Ali Haider Kazmi, General Dental Practitioner Lahore

General Dental Practitioner, Lahore

Mohammad Taha Qamar, General Dental Practitioner Lahore

General Dental Practitioner, Lahore

Noor Ul Ain Khan, Sharif Medical and Dental College-Lahore

House officer, College of Dentistry, Sharif Medical and Dental College-Lahore

Syeda Sara Mehdi, Sharif Medical and Dental College-Lahore

House officer, College of Dentistry, Sharif Medical and Dental College-Lahore

Minahil Wasif, Sharif Medical and Dental College-Lahore

House officer, College of Dentistry, Sharif Medical and Dental College-Lahore

Rana Ahmad Mujtaba, Sharif Medical and Dental College-Lahore

House officer, College of Dentistry, Sharif Medical and Dental College-Lahore

Hira Butt, Sharif Medical and Dental College, Lahore

Demonstrator, College of Dentistry, Sharif Medical and Dental College, Lahore


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