Evaluation of Oral Health Habits and Gingival Conditions after Covid-19 Lockdown


  • Shaista parveen Bibi Aseefa Dental College-SMBB Medical University-Larkana Sindh
  • Sandeep kumar Bibi Aseefa Dental College-SMBB Medical University-Larkana Sindh
  • Abdul Bari Memon Bibi Aseefa Dental College-SMBB Medical University-Larkana Sindh
  • Permanand Bhittai Dental & Medical College Mirpurkhas
  • Shazia Shakeel Bibi Aseefa Dental College-SMBB Medical University-Larkana Sindh
  • Sunny Bibi Aseefa Dental College-SMBB Medical University-Larkana Sindh
  • Pinki Bibi Aseefa Dental College-SMBB Medical University-Larkana Sindh
  • Lovekesh Kumar Dow University of Health Sciences-Karachi-Sindh




COVID-19, Oral Health, Gingivitis, Oral Hygiene Practices, Dental Care, Pandemic


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on various aspects of health and healthcare practices, including oral health. With changes in daily routines and access to dental care services during lockdowns, there has been concern about the potential decline in oral hygiene and an increase in dental issues.

Objective: This study aimed to evaluate oral health habits and the gingival condition of patients visiting a tertiary care dental hospital in the southern region of Sindh province after the COVID-19 lockdown.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Bibi Aseefa Dental College, Larkana, from January 20, 2021, to July 20, 2021. Ethical approval was obtained, and participants gave written informed consent. A total of 278 patients were sampled using a convenience sampling method. The inclusion criteria were patients of both genders, above the age of 7, with permanent teeth. Exclusion criteria included lack of consent and cases with jaw fractures or limited mouth opening. Data collection involved clinical examinations using a dental mirror and probe, and oral health practices were recorded. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 21.

Results: The study comprised 57.2% male and 42.8% female participants, with a mean age of 30.67 ± 10.31 years. An 81% adherence to daily tooth brushing was noted, while only 9% of participants used dental floss. The use of medicated toothpaste was reported by 18% of the participants. The prevalence of gingivitis was found to be 48%, with a significant relationship between gender and gingivitis severity (p=0.009).

Conclusion: Oral hygiene practices during the lockdown were found to be inadequate, with a substantial prevalence of gingivitis among the study population. The study emphasizes the need for improved oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing, and suggests public health initiatives to promote oral health awareness.


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Author Biographies

Shaista parveen, Bibi Aseefa Dental College-SMBB Medical University-Larkana Sindh



Sandeep kumar, Bibi Aseefa Dental College-SMBB Medical University-Larkana Sindh

BDS, MS.C, PhD SCHOLAR, Department of Science of Dental Materials

Abdul Bari Memon, Bibi Aseefa Dental College-SMBB Medical University-Larkana Sindh

Associate Professor, Department of Community Dentistry

Permanand, Bhittai Dental & Medical College Mirpurkhas

Associate Professor, Department of Operative Dentistry

Shazia Shakeel , Bibi Aseefa Dental College-SMBB Medical University-Larkana Sindh

Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics

Sunny, Bibi Aseefa Dental College-SMBB Medical University-Larkana Sindh

Lecturer, Department of Operative Dentistry

Pinki, Bibi Aseefa Dental College-SMBB Medical University-Larkana Sindh


Lovekesh Kumar, Dow University of Health Sciences-Karachi-Sindh

Assistant Professor, Oral Medicine


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How to Cite

parveen, S., kumar, S., Memon, A. B., Permanand, Shakeel , S., Sunny, Pinki, & Kumar, L. (2023). Evaluation of Oral Health Habits and Gingival Conditions after Covid-19 Lockdown. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 483–488. https://doi.org/10.61919/jhrr.v3i2.166