Assessing Smile Line Aesthetic Impact in Complete Denture Wearers from the Perspective of Laypersons


  • Amna Tabassum Kayani Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi Pakistan.
  • Aamir Mehmood Butt Institute of Dentistry LUMHS Jamshoro Pakistan.
  • Marium Shahid Dr Ishrat ul Ibad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences Karachi Pakistan.
  • Usman Bashir Shaikh Ziauddin University Karachi Pakistan
  • Ismatullah Qureshi Bibi Aseefa Dental College Larkana Pakistan.
  • Waheed Murad Dahri Bibi Aseefa Dental College Larkana Pakistan.
  • Abdul Bari Memon Bibi Assefa Dental College SMBBMU Larkana Pakistan



Dental Aesthetics, Smile Line, Complete Dentures, Layperson Perception, Prosthodontics, Cosmetic Dentistry, Patient-Centered Care, Smile Design, Cultural Dental Preferences


Background: The aesthetic dimension of a smile holds a paramount influence in social interactions and personal confidence. With the rise of cosmetic dentistry, there is an increased demand for understanding the public's perception of dental aesthetics, especially concerning complete denture wearers. Previous studies have highlighted the importance of the 'smile line', yet there remains a gap in comprehensive knowledge regarding layperson perspectives, particularly within specific cultural contexts.

Objective: This study aims to elucidate the aesthetic preferences of laypersons towards the smile line in complete denture wearers, contributing to a patient-centered approach in prosthodontic treatment.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences in Jamshoro. The sample comprised 186 individuals, selected via non-probability consecutive sampling. Participants between 18 to 70 years of age from both genders, excluding those with visual or developmental impairments, were included. Digital photographs of smiles with complete dentures were manipulated using Adobe Photoshop to represent varying degrees of incisal and gingival exposure. The images were assessed by the participants, who were asked to rank them according to aesthetic preference. Data analysis utilized SPSS version 25, employing chi-square tests for significance, with a p-value ≤ 0.05 considered significant.

Results: Image F was deemed most attractive, with 20 (10.75%) votes, while Image G followed closely with 21 (11.29%) votes. Image J was considered least attractive, with 24 (12.90%) votes. The distribution of preferences exhibited a broad range of individual variations, demonstrating the complexity of aesthetic perceptions among laypersons.

Conclusion: The study highlights a diverse range of preferences in smile aesthetics among the general population, emphasizing the need for personalized treatment approaches in the fabrication of complete dentures. Understanding these preferences can significantly enhance patient satisfaction and treatment outcomes.


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Author Biographies

Amna Tabassum Kayani, Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi Pakistan.

Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics Dow International Dental College, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan.

Aamir Mehmood Butt, Institute of Dentistry LUMHS Jamshoro Pakistan.

Chairman, Professor Department of Prosthodontics, Institute of Dentistry, LUMHS, Jamshoro, Pakistan.

Marium Shahid, Dr Ishrat ul Ibad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences Karachi Pakistan.

Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, Dr Ishrat ul Ibad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan.

Usman Bashir Shaikh, Ziauddin University Karachi Pakistan

Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Ziauddin University, Karachi, Pakistan.

Ismatullah Qureshi, Bibi Aseefa Dental College Larkana Pakistan.

Lecturer, Oral Medicine Department, Bibi Aseefa Dental College Larkana, Pakistan.

Waheed Murad Dahri, Bibi Aseefa Dental College Larkana Pakistan.

Assistant Professor, Department of Science of Dental Materials Bibi Aseefa Dental College Larkana, Pakistan.

Abdul Bari Memon, Bibi Assefa Dental College SMBBMU Larkana Pakistan

Associate Professor, Department of Community Dentistry, Bibi Assefa Dental College @SMBBMU, Larkana, Pakistan,


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How to Cite

Kayani, A. T., Butt, A. M., Shahid, M., Shaikh, U. B., Qureshi, I., Dahri, W. M., & Memon, A. B. (2023). Assessing Smile Line Aesthetic Impact in Complete Denture Wearers from the Perspective of Laypersons. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 1311–1315.