Diet-Related Anemias: A Comprehensive Review on Types, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Anemia, Diet-Related Anemias, Iron Deficiency, Treatment, Vitamin B12 Deficiency, Vitamin B9 DeficiencyAbstract
Background: Anemia, a prevalent blood disorder characterized by reduced red blood cells or hemoglobin, has diverse etiologies related to nutritional deficiencies, notably iron, vitamin B12, and B9. Its impact on quality of life is especially significant in elderly individuals and those with chronic conditions.
Objective: This systematic review aims to collate and synthesize the current literature on nutrient-related anemias, focusing on types, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment.
Methods: A thorough search was conducted in databases including Google Scholar, PubMed, and Research Gate using keywords such as "anemia," "types," "pathophysiology," "diagnosis," and "treatment." The review encompasses studies that detail the prevalence, causes, symptoms, risk factors, diagnostic methods, and treatment options for anemias related to iron, vitamin B12, and B9 deficiencies.
Results: The review found that anemia affects approximately 24.8% of the global population, with higher prevalence rates in vulnerable groups such as infants, children, and pregnant women. Iron deficiency anemia, the primary form globally, is prevalent in various populations due to factors like poverty, malnutrition, and gastrointestinal conditions. Diagnostic approaches include both traditional laboratory tests and newer metabolite tests like homocysteine and methylmalonic acid. Treatment strategies vary based on the type of deficiency and include oral and intramuscular supplements, with intravenous iron for malabsorption cases and folic acid for folate deficiency.
Conclusion: Early detection and effective treatment of diet-related anemias are crucial to prevent serious complications and mitigate their impact on quality of life. The review highlights the importance of tailored treatment approaches, including dietary changes, supplements, and medications, to address the specific needs of individuals with different types of anemia.
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