Perceived Sociocultural Pressure and Body Dissatisfaction Among Female University Students

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Tayba Mehmood
Saqib Raza
M. Hamza Naeem
Abdullah Mohammad
Noureen Fatima


Background: This study investigates the relationship between perceived sociocultural pressure and body dissatisfaction among female university students. With the escalating influence of media and societal norms, understanding these dynamics is crucial, especially in the context of Pakistani culture where such studies are relatively scarce.

Objective: To explore the correlation between perceived sociocultural pressure and body dissatisfaction among female university students in Islamabad and Rawalpindi, and to examine the impact of various demographic factors on these variables.

Methods: The study involved 300 female university students from public and private universities in Islamabad and Rawalpindi, using a convenient sampling technique. The Perceived Sociocultural Pressure Scale and the Body Dissatisfaction Scale were employed to measure the study variables. The reliability of the instruments was established through Cronbach's alpha.

Results: Perceived sociocultural pressure was found to be significantly positively correlated with body dissatisfaction (r = .37, p < .05). No significant correlations were observed between these variables and age or monthly family income. Participants from urban areas showed higher body dissatisfaction compared to those from rural areas. Perceived sociocultural pressure significantly predicted body dissatisfaction (β = .39, p < .001), accounting for 14% of the variance in body dissatisfaction.

Conclusion: The findings indicate a significant relationship between perceived sociocultural pressure and body dissatisfaction among the studied sample, highlighting the need for targeted interventions to mitigate these issues in the Pakistani context.

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How to Cite
Mehmood, T., Raza, S., Naeem, M. H., Mohammad, A., & Fatima , N. (2023). Perceived Sociocultural Pressure and Body Dissatisfaction Among Female University Students. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 908–920.
Author Biographies

Saqib Raza, The University of Punjab


M. Hamza Naeem, University of Management and Technology Lahore

Visiting Lecturer

Abdullah Mohammad, Balochistan Public School and College Usta Mohammad



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