Impact of Online Shopping Addiction on Compulsive Buying Behavior and Life Satisfaction among College Students


  • Ameena Basit Riphah International University- Islamabad- Pakistan.
  • Muddsar Hameed Shifa Tameer e Millat University- Islamabad- Pakistan.
  • Durnave Azid Shifa College of Medicine Islamabad- Pakistan.
  • Amber Nawaz Sahiwal Medical College- Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Athar Rauf Allama Iqbal Medical College- Lahore- Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Umer Yasir Shifa College of Medicine- Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University- Islamabad- Paksitan
  • Saqib Raza The University of Punjab- Lahore- Pakistan.



Online Shopping Addiction, Compulsive Buying Behavior, Life Satisfaction, College Students, Gender Differences, Consumer Psychology


Background: The advent of digital commerce has significantly altered consumer behaviors, particularly among college students who represent a dynamic and influential demographic. While online shopping offers convenience and a broad range of choices, it has also led to concerns regarding online shopping addiction, compulsive buying behavior, and their impacts on life satisfaction. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for developing strategies to address potential negative outcomes.

Objective: This study aimed to examine the impact of online shopping addiction on compulsive buying behavior and life satisfaction among college students, with a particular focus on identifying gender differences in online shopping behaviors.

Methods: Employing a cross-sectional survey design, the study sampled 200 college students from Rawalpindi, Pakistan, using purposive sampling techniques. Instruments included the Online Shopping Addiction Scale (OSAS), Compulsive Buying Behavior Screening Tool (CBBST), and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), with data analysis conducted through Pearson correlation, t-tests, and linear regression analyses using SPSS version 25.

Results: The study revealed significant gender differences in online shopping addiction, with female students showing higher levels of addiction (M = 49.5, SD = 12.0) compared to male students (M = 43.1, SD = 12.4), t(198) = 3.7, p < .000. A strong positive correlation was found between online shopping addiction and compulsive buying behavior (r = .64, p < .000). Online shopping addiction predicted 41% of the variance in compulsive buying behavior (β = .64, p < .000) but had a minimal impact on life satisfaction, explaining only 3% of the variance (β = .05, p = .4).

Conclusion: The findings underscore the significant role of online shopping addiction in influencing compulsive buying behaviors among college students, with notable gender differences in addiction levels. However, the impact of online shopping addiction on life satisfaction remains minimal. These insights highlight the need for targeted interventions to mitigate the negative effects of online shopping addiction and support healthier consumer behaviors among young adults.


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Author Biographies

Ameena Basit, Riphah International University- Islamabad- Pakistan.

Riphah International University- Islamabad- Pakistan.

Muddsar Hameed, Shifa Tameer e Millat University- Islamabad- Pakistan.

Alumni Shifa Tameer e Millat University- Islamabad- Pakistan.

Durnave Azid, Shifa College of Medicine Islamabad- Pakistan.

Shifa College of Medicine Islamabad- Pakistan.

Amber Nawaz, Sahiwal Medical College- Pakistan.

Sahiwal Medical College- Pakistan.

Muhammad Athar Rauf, Allama Iqbal Medical College- Lahore- Pakistan.

Allama Iqbal Medical College- Lahore- Pakistan.

Muhammad Umer Yasir, Shifa College of Medicine- Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University- Islamabad- Paksitan

Shifa College of Medicine- Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University- Islamabad- Paksitan

Saqib Raza, The University of Punjab- Lahore- Pakistan.

Alumni The University of Punjab- Lahore- Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Basit, A., Hameed, M., Azid, D., Nawaz, A., Rauf, M. A., Yasir, M. U., & Raza, S. (2024). Impact of Online Shopping Addiction on Compulsive Buying Behavior and Life Satisfaction among College Students. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 4(2), 27–32.

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