Neem's Bioactive Marvels: A Therapeutic Review
Azadirachta indica, Neem, Medicinal Uses, Bioactive Compounds, Traditional Medicine, Ayurveda, Therapeutic ApplicationsAbstract
Background: Azadirachta indica (Neem), an evergreen, temperature-tolerant flowering plant native to India and Myanmar, is often referred to as "The Village Pharmacy" or "Divine Tree." A member of the Meliaceae family, it has gained global recognition for its extensive health benefits. Almost every part of the neem tree, including leaves, blossoms, seeds, fruits, roots, and bark, finds medicinal use, both in traditional Ayurvedic practices and modern pharmaceutical preparations.
Objective: This review aims to discuss the potential of A. indica and its bioactive compounds in medicine. It specifically focuses on their roles in various therapeutic applications such as anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-feedant, growth regulatory, dentistry, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-malarial, insect repellent, anti-hyperlepidemic, anti-cancer, and orodental protection.
Methods: A comprehensive literature search was conducted, reviewing ethno-pharmacological studies and scientific research that explore the traditional and current medicinal uses of A. indica. Sources included peer-reviewed journals and scientific databases. The review focused on the analysis of studies that detailed the use of various parts of the neem tree in the treatment of different ailments.
Results: The review consolidated findings from numerous studies, highlighting over 40 bioactive compounds present in various parts of the neem tree. Significant therapeutic effects were reported, with anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties being the most prominent. Approximately 65% of the studies confirmed the anti-inflammatory effects, while around 60% supported anti-diabetic applications. Other notable findings included growth regulatory and anti-cancer properties, each supported by over 50% of the studies.
Conclusion: Neem's diverse bioactive compounds demonstrate a wide range of therapeutic properties, underscoring its title as "The Village Pharmacy." The review confirms the substantial medicinal potential of neem, supporting its traditional uses and suggesting its valuable role in developing new pharmaceuticals. However, more clinical trials are recommended to validate these findings and ensure safe application.
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