The Healing Touch of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Fennel): A Review on Its Medicinal Value and Health Benefits

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Ali Zeeshan
Humaira Akram
Samreen Qasim
Abeera Naseer
Fatima Nazar
Oniza Rafique


Foeniculum vulgare, commonly known as Fennel and Fenouil in English and French respectively. It is an annual shrub, herbaceous and fragrant plant of Apiaceae family with notched stems, alternating leaves, dark-colored feathery branches and enclosed petioles. It can grow up to 1-2m in height and native to Asia, Mediterranean and Europe. It exhibits diverse functional, therapeutic and antibacterial properties such as enhanced milk production and relieves anxiety, depression, diabetes and obesity. It is serving as an antioxidant, antifungal, acaricidal, anti-allergic and nootropic, hepato-protective properties and provides a broncho dilatory effect. It finds wide applications in animal husbandry and is used as food ingredients worldwide. bisexual, erratic or consistent, with golden canopies which mimic rectangular pearls. Their dimensions are approximately 8 mm long and 3 mm wide. slim, lengthy, ovoid and size of them vary with plant growth.

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How to Cite
Zeeshan, A., Akram, H., Qasim, S., Naseer, A., Nazar, F., & Rafique, O. (2023). The Healing Touch of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Fennel): A Review on Its Medicinal Value and Health Benefits. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 3(2), 793–800.


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