Soil Contamination and Human Health: Exploring the Heavy Metal Landscape: A Comprehensive Review
Heavy metals, Compost contamination, Soil health, Plant growth, Food chain, Aquatic ecosystems, Human health, Environmental impactAbstract
Background: Composting, a cost-effective and efficient method for managing solid waste rich in organic matter, faces challenges when contaminants, particularly heavy metals, are present. These contaminants can significantly impact various environmental aspects and human health.
Objective: This study aims to provide a comprehensive review of the effects of heavy metal contamination in compost, focusing on its impact on soil quality, plant growth, aquatic ecosystems, and human health.
Methods: An extensive examination of current literature was conducted to analyze the consequences of heavy metal presence in compost. This involved reviewing studies on soil microbial activity, plant health, the accumulation of metals in the food chain, and the resultant effects on animal and human health, as well as on aquatic systems.
Results: Elevated levels of heavy metals in compost were found to be toxic to soil microorganisms, vital for numerous soil processes, leading to a reduction in their abundance and functionality. Plants exposed to these metals showed disrupted physiological processes and compromised growth. The absorption of heavy metals by plants leads to their entry into the food chain, posing risks to animal and human health. In aquatic environments, these contaminants contribute to oxidative stress, negatively affecting aquatic life.
Conclusion: The presence of heavy metals in compost presents significant environmental and health risks. It is crucial to ensure the absence of such contaminants in compost intended for agricultural use. This study underscores the need for sustainable waste management practices and stringent monitoring of compost quality to safeguard environmental health and human well-being.
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