From Fields to Families: Understanding the Health Impacts of Excessive Soil Fertilization
Fertilizers, soil contamination, water pollution, nitrate, heavy metalsAbstract
Background: Fertilizers play a crucial role in modern agriculture, significantly boosting crop yields and global food production. However, their widespread use has unintended consequences that raise significant environmental and health concerns. Nitrogen-based, phosphorus-based, and potassium-based fertilizers contribute to nutrient replenishment in soils but can lead to soil and water contamination, posing risks to ecosystems and human health.
Objective: This narrative review aims to comprehensively examine the health and environmental impacts of excessive soil fertilization, with a focus on understanding the mechanisms by which fertilizers affect soil and water quality and the subsequent implications for human health.
Methods: An extensive literature search was conducted across multiple electronic databases, including PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Articles published between 2000 and 2023 were selected based on predefined inclusion criteria, focusing on studies that provided empirical data or substantial theoretical insights into the environmental and health impacts of fertilizer use. A qualitative analysis was performed to synthesize findings and identify common themes.
Results: The review highlighted that nutrient runoff from excessive fertilizer use leads to significant water quality degradation, with nitrate concentrations in some regions exceeding recommended safety limits by 30-50%. Prolonged exposure to contaminated water is linked to various health issues, including a 20% increased risk of methemoglobinemia in infants and a 15-25% higher risk of gastric and colorectal cancers in adults. Additionally, heavy metal accumulation in crops due to fertilization practices raises concerns, with cadmium levels in some crops surpassing safe consumption limits by 40-60%.
Conclusion: While fertilizers are essential for enhancing agricultural productivity, their excessive use poses significant environmental and health risks. A balanced approach integrating sustainable agricultural practices, effective water management, and comprehensive regulatory frameworks is imperative to mitigate these adverse effects. Continued research and collaboration among scientists, policymakers, and the agricultural community are necessary to promote a sustainable and health-conscious approach to fertilizer use.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ali Zeeshan, Muhammad Waqas, Muhammad Talha Ramzan, Fatima Ghafoor, Usama, Muhammad Uzair Ibrahim, Noor Fatima, Abdul Rauf, Ayesha Hussain, Mustansar Abbas, Noman Zahid, Sana Hanif

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