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Hafiz Muhammad Asim Raza
Binash Afzal
Ahmed Ijaz
Muhammad Fiaz


Background: Cerebral palsy is the most common frequent disability of childhood. Its prevalence in Pakistan is much higher about 2 to 3 out of every 1000 children with CP, which affect the child's functional status of life to a greater extent.
Objective: To determine the association of the Cerebral palsy child's behavior with caregiver's stress level.
Materials and Methods: This was cross sectional study comprised of 159 caregivers of CP child among them 100 were males and 59 were females. This study conducted from December 2016 to May 2017.Convenience sampling technique was used and subjects were selected from different hospitals and rehabilitation centers of Lahore Pakistan on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria after taking informed consent. The two standardized “Parental stress scale” and “strength difficulty questionnaire” were used to find out the level of stress and caregiver' burden. The Data was analyzed using SPSS v20. Frequency was calculated to obtain mean values of caregiver stress and behavior of CP child using PSS and SDQ. P value ≤ .05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: The Pearson correlation (r) between PSS and SDQ data was r₌ 0.63 which showed there was a strong positive linear correlation present between our two variables CP child behavior & caregiver stress level. It indicated that both variables increased or decreased together.
Conclusion: The quality of life of the parents of CP child is influenced by their child behavior. The study concluded that there is strong relationship present between the CP child's behaviors with the caregiver’s stress level.

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How to Cite
Raza, H. M. A., Afzal, B., Ahmed Ijaz, & Muhammad Fiaz. (2021). ASSOCIATION OF CEREBRAL PALSY CHILD BEHAVIOR WITH CAREGIVER STRESS LEVEL. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, 1(1), 10–13. Retrieved from


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